
Zeitgeist Half Marathon Runs through Hidden Springs

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Idaho Summit Real Estate

As fall time rolls around I am continually impressed with the many activities Hidden Springs has to offer – one of which is the 7th annual Zeitgeist Half Marathon. It offers 13 miles of rolling hills through the beautiful community of Hidden Springs. It starts off at Optimist Park and runners travel up the ever-challenging Seaman’s Gulch road. It then winds through the community where participants can see the lovely maple tress that line the streets changing to red and gold colors.  Runners finish off the loop on the rustic Cartwright Road where they get a first hand view of the many beauties the foothills have to offer. This is a fabulous opportunity to gets some great exercise, enjoy some great company as well as get an up close look at one of the Treasure Valley’s most beautiful areas. I think what is equally impressive to the gorgeous landscape is the amount of community support that is seen at this event. Not only is there a tremendous number of participants but volunteers and spectators line the streets to cheer the runners on. For those readers who have finished a long running event, such as this, the cheers can really help those 13 miles go by a lot faster. So if you want to get a first hand look at Hidden Springs and the people there, come join the cheers of the Zeitgeist Half Marathoners on Saturday November 1, 2008.