
Stage It Bailout Style

Home Stager with Stage It & Redesign Professionals

Okay, true that finances are tight everywhere, even with the wealthy in a since that their shares and stocks, investments and portfolios have taken a hit, however, I believe Staging is still at play in every arena of our society.  Look at the Bailout (Rescue) Plan for example, even the Senate staged the bill and put in perks for their own benefit to get the most out of what was already a fluffed bill to begin with. 

But you got to admit the Senate took the Stage and Staged the heck of out what was and still is an aftermath of storms and turned it into a fresh calm breeze after a light rain.  If they can so can we. I now vow to reinvent my Staging company and rescue homes that are in need of a serious bailout.  The market just cannot bear unwanted properties, vacant homes in neighborhoods of hardworking people, and real-estate agents falling out of the market.  Our Bailout package as Stagers is exactly what this market needs and "Yes, This is a Bailout Plan you Can Believe In".


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Terrylynn Fisher
Dudum Real Estate Group - - Walnut Creek, CA
HAFA Certified, EcoBroker, CRS, CSP Realtor, Etc.

Tareina, really good post.  You are so right, if we don't take control and reinvent our businesses to fit the market, we'll be out of business, and actually the industry needs us more than ever!!!  Thanks for the thoughts.

Oct 09, 2008 02:47 PM

Thanks Terrylynn for sharing. I agree with you in that we must reinvent our business to fit the market need.

Oct 10, 2008 02:22 AM