
What should we do in regards to the golden parachutes and excessive Corporate spending?

Services for Real Estate Pros with ARM Insurance Agency

After listening to the hearings this week and the published articles regarding corporations excessive spending and golden parachutes, I think the time for accountability is at hand. Knowing that companies are ready to raid our wallets and are being given "our" tax dollars to survive, the time has come for us to step in and demand a cutback. CEO's of years ago got rewarded based on the productivity of the company. If the company did well, so were the bonuses.

Today's CEO's and executives  have contracts that even some of the most successful sports figures would envy. Put in a few months on a sinking ship, can reap rewards in the millions regardless of the outcome of the company.

One of the provisions that I would like to see in regards to this infusions of cash in the billions of dollars is that the corporate spending be exposed to all. If you get our money we get to take a look at your books and contracts of high level executives. We need to renegotiate them.

If you want our money to continue your bank, you need to renegotiate the mortgages that placed you into this position. I agree with many, that we should not bailout irresponsible borrowers who took on great risks. However, since we are now being TOLD where are hard earned tax dollars are being spent to save companies on Wall Street, then we should HELP someone on Main Street to balance it. There are homeowners out there, that are losing their jobs and livelyhood due to this spiral in our economy. Everyone from business owners, to realtors, to a office manager who worked on Wall Street can be just paychecks aways for losing their home.

Just during the summer, I came across a family who was in tears. They have 3 children, a mortgage on a simple home and both parents are in real estate with years of experience.  They do not drive fancy cars, live a fancy lifestyle, and are good hearted people who were scared. Business was almost non existent for them and finding jobs has not been successful. Did they do anything wrong? No. Should they be in this position? Not if we live in a country that is suppose to be so plentiful.

I did see them recently, spoke to them, and things are month to month. Both have turned to family for help, the husband has found 2 jobs that are helping with the bills, and the mom is still trying to keep her feet in real estate.

Its time for corporate America to give and not just take. Its time for corporate America to realize that if it wasn't for us, the little people, they would not exist. Its time for our goverment to step in and TELL corporate America its enough. Hearings in congress are nice, but what is really accomplished by them? We parade CEO's in front of our goverment officials, we embarass them by revealing their greed and they  leave, off to the enjoy their riches and a good game of golf at the club. Where is the accountability?

That's my opinion, what's yours?

Ron Walters

ARM Insurance Agency

Brian Brumpton
Keller Williams Boise - Boise, ID
Boise Idaho Real Estate

I don't know I kind of like the idea of AIG spending 440K in taxpayer money to get some much need RR in these stressful times.  I think they forgot our invite though.

Oct 09, 2008 10:57 AM
Richard Shuman
The Only B.S. I Have is from the University of Massachusetts - Lake Mary, FL
Real Estate Broker - Orlando Area - Love Referrals

Elect McCain and let him fix it. NOBAMA for President. Everyone needs to look at the facts and vote for the American Hero,

Oct 09, 2008 11:04 AM
Ronald Walters
ARM Insurance Agency - Milton, GA

Brian..thanks for the laugh! Let me know when you get your invite, mine may be attached to it!

Richard..I think it goes even beyond who will be come down to the representatives in congress and the senate. We need people their who police the president and its administration and can have the power to do more than have hearings and give speeches. The USA is a amazing country with terrific opportunites..we need to have people in power who want to keep it that way!

Oct 09, 2008 01:22 PM