
How Falling Gas Prices May Stave Off Recession.....

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Given the stock market's recent performance, it's not surprising that gasoline's falling prices are garnering very little attention. That doesn't make it any less relevant, however. 

Since peaking in July, gas prices are off by 20 percent.

Falling gas prices are an important positive for the U.S. economy because less money spent at the pump means that more money is saved per household for everyday items including food and other staples.

In addition, consumer spending makes up two-thirds of the economy. 

Therefore, falling gas prices may lessen the impact of a fore-casted recession. Because we Americans are notoriously poor savers, the extra cash-on-hand is likely to get spent which will, in turn, push the economy forward through the upcoming holiday shopping season.

So, just as inflation can be bad for mortgage rates, so can recession. And while recession won't always cause mortgage rates to rise, right now, it's one of the factors driving rates higher. Falling gas prices may help keep that scenario at bay.