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Lower Your Auto Policy with Insurance-Friendly Vehicles

Services for Real Estate Pros with DC Insurers

There are many factors that go into determining the cost of your auto insurance policy – mileage, your age, your credit rating, prior insurance coverage, your driving record, where you live, even your gender and marital status. Some of these things are uncontrollable, but most of them can be determined by you.

One of the biggest factors that you can control is what type of vehicle you drive. This is a major concern when figuring out policy costs. What exactly makes an insurance-friendly auto?

First of all: sports and luxury cars will always be vulnerable to theft, as will high-tech cars with brand-new features, for obvious reasons. Try to go with a car that won’t need hard-to-replace parts (like a Volkswagen).

Vehicles with a lot of horsepower are an insurance no-no because the faster your car can go, the more tempted you’ll be to take advantage of that…thus, making you more likely to be in an accident.

High-performance vehicles like Audi, BMW, Jaguars will increase your auto policy because they require more money to repair.

Large SUVs will add to your auto policy due to the amount of gas they need, as well as their likeliness to damage other cars in the event of an accident.

Finally, some insurance companies suggest not getting tiny cars, since they get very damaged in accidents.

As for the vehicles that will be good for your policy? Vans and station wagons are the best choices because they’re not big enough to cause large amounts of damage to other cars in the event of an accident, but they are big enough to cause less damage to their drivers and passengers, and in addition, both have lower repair costs and less theft history.


DC Insurance is an independent insurance agency in the Olympia, Washington area. Visit their Virtual Insurance Office today for more information on auto insurance.
