Over the past year many of us in a industry that relates to housing have seen changes in our income. Some have seen it lower, some have seen it level off and a few "chosen" have seen it rise and others, who are good people, are truly hurting.
Increases in our cost of living have not helped. Although we are getting RIGHT NOW a short break from gas prices, other items such as food, have been increasing steadily over the past 6 months. This of course affects our bottom line and makes us all take a look at where we our spending money.
We have friends who we have brought this topic up with..some are using coupons who haven't before for grocery shopping, other have stopped all extras..one just sold (luckily) his larger home and downgraded to a smaller one due to a change in his job and a desire to save more money.
My wife and I have done things to cut back like many others. Combining trips to area of town where we can get things done all at once, eating out less, (however we still keep our Friday night pizza after the football games. Just can't give up those chicken wings and pizza yet!), shopping around when it comes to buying large ticket items or repairing just one more time before replacing, once a week now to the local starbucks(took me a while to break my wife of that habit!)..and so on.
So back to the question in this blog, what CHANGES have you made in your life due to the economy?