I have been tasked by my asset manager to go to a pre-listed property and do the BPO. Cyprexx had not rekeyed yet, and were supposed to and this house was 45 minutes to an hour away from my office. I REALLY did not want to drive back out...so hence the boost up...
Once I was boosted up, I could smell the horrible dead smell of something, "just not right" in that house. I was hanging half in and half out and my sister (pictured here in the blue shirt) had to get behind me and push. Once I was unclogged enough to shimmy through...here is the photo she took. We are camera people, what can we say?
Technically one of the most flattering shots ever....NOT!!!!!!!!!!
So my day started with a BANG folks! Inside this house it was abandoned, and it was if the guy walked out one day and left everything there. The egg he cooked was still in the pan...and REEKED! The clothes were hanging on his hangers, his bed and pillow were there. He just disappeared and left EVERYTHING! Even a set of drums and enough tools to start a home depot!
What a life we REO agents have!
Tracey Shrouder
360 Realty