
BPO of the Week...hands down winner!

Real Estate Agent with 360 Realty 239529


I have been tasked by my asset manager to go to a pre-listed property and do the BPO.  Cyprexx had not rekeyed yet, and were supposed to and this house was 45 minutes to an hour away from my office.  I REALLY did not want to drive back hence the boost up...


Once I was boosted up, I could smell the horrible dead smell of something, "just not right" in that house.  I was hanging half in and half out and my sister (pictured here in the blue shirt) had to get behind me and push.  Once I was unclogged enough to shimmy is the photo she took.  We are camera people, what can we say?


Technically one of the most flattering shots ever....NOT!!!!!!!!!!


So my day started with a BANG folks!  Inside this house it was abandoned, and it was if the guy walked out one day and left everything there.  The egg he cooked was still in the pan...and REEKED!  The clothes were hanging on his hangers, his bed and pillow were there.  He just disappeared and left EVERYTHING!  Even a set of drums and enough tools to start a home depot!


What a life we REO agents have!


Tracey Shrouder

360 Realty


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Freddy A. Saavedra
Essential Properties - Goodyear, AZ

Whoa nice pics lol, I think you unknowingly gave us a more candid pic of your sis than you intended, I have had many experiences but this one definitely tops any of mine.

Oct 13, 2008 06:05 PM
Abacus Properties, Inc. DBA Apple Dream Homes
Abacus Properties Inc. - San Diego, CA

LOL! Thanks for the laugh

Oct 18, 2008 03:58 AM
Jason Ellis
Coastal REO Solutions - Myrtle Beach Short Sales & REO's - Myrtle Beach, SC

GOOD STUFF --- good post --- funny story -- JE

Nov 12, 2008 10:23 PM
Chad Baird
Re/Max Spirit - Dayton, OH

Great pic of sis! 

I had to break in to a property a few months ago via the basement window.  Thank goodness I had a partner with me that day. my beltlood got snagged on the window latch as I slipped and I was hanging and could not unlatch myself.  AH good times. 

Nov 13, 2008 01:46 AM
Heather Goodwin
Licensed by the Louisiana Real Estate Commission - Shreveport, LA
Results That Move You

Funny story.  Would love to know where that person went and why.  Been there done that - had an agent friend go through an unlocked window.  Fortunatley it was big and at ground level. LOL!

Nov 13, 2008 04:27 AM
Ken Wagner
MyHouseMarket / First Team Real Estate - Tustin, CA

My clients have sometimes wondered why I carry tools in my car...burglary 101.

Nov 15, 2008 04:39 AM
David Sekunda
HouseKey Real Estate LLC - Springfield, MO

The things we do for money...LOL  Nice pics...

Nov 16, 2008 10:32 AM
Steve Reed

By the way, what is the statis of teh Property.

Steve Reed


Dec 08, 2008 10:39 AM
Ray Cox
ERA Brokers Consolidated - Saint George, UT

So is your sister going to get even with you for that picture?  It is always nice when siblings grow up, remain tight, and in this case can be described as breast ... i mean best friends.

Dec 09, 2008 06:34 PM
Chris Webster ~ Myrtle Beach REO and Short Sale Specialist

This one was on my Birthday of October 13!

May 21, 2009 05:52 PM