
Volunteering Blog and help for the commercial real estate salesperson

Commercial Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Realtron Realty Inc.,Brokerage

News out today says microsoft founder Bill Gates predicts a soft economy for at least another year. Huh really? I wonder if that implies that Bill and Melinda are expecting low sales or could it mean an increase from his already massive giving olygopoly.  If giving means receiving (which I have learned in my B2B BNI Strategic Partners chapter) then It should be a great year for practicing your giving.  

The more competitive the market the more you will need to plan for a down economy. Increase your marketing and get even more visibility online. Comments from Bill Gates get attention and that helps sell Windows 2008 software I guess.  

I have found that CCIM commercial real estate agents are prepared for down economies.  They have additional income stream plans.  The last recession taught many wise agent to look for recession proof strategies.  If you are considering a part-time job lately, then why not volunteer. What a great way to give and get back in more ways than one.  I do canvassing for charity, help out at fund raisers and have helped out at the men's shelters to name a few.  With winter coming soon maybe you can co-ordinate a blanket drive for the homeless or take a small amount from your commission say 10% and give it to a charity. That would do more than you will think for your business and its great for PR.