I am letting everyone know that I will be in New Orleans on Tuesday, Oct. 21 to do some photography for another client. From time to time I will be sending out announcements for dates that I will be in the area and special promos that I will be running while there.
***For one day only (Tuesday Oct. 21) all standard 4 scene virtual tours will be reduced from 119.00 to 89.00 and our still photography will be reduced from 45.00 to 35.00 per house. If you order 5 or more virtual tours, we will reduce the price to 75.00 per tour.*** All tours will be uploaded to Realtor.com, homes.com and homeseekers.com and we will give you a MLS compliant link.
Similar promos will occur each time I am in the New Orleans area so please pass the word. Hope all is well.
If you are not familiar with our services, please visit www.averadesign.com for more info.
To see a sample of my latest work, please visit the following link:
you may also visit the realtor.com page at: