

Real Estate Agent with Marathon Key Real Estate Inc

Well the time has come.  

The big upset in Tx. is winding down.  Not that the destruction is over it is just that the housing inspections are coming to an end.  Galveston is still a mess and will be for some time to come.  Most schools have opened back up and some form of normalcy has come back.  Don't get me worng it will take time.  BUT as you have seen two past presidents came to see it.  They will make it okay...Right!  The money spent bringing them there could have, should have simply been funneled into the community.  It would have helped more.

Thousands of people were/are in need of help.  Unfortunately my role in all this seemed to be working with people that simply wanted to see what they could get out of "the system".  "my clothes got wet"  "I need new ones"   Ans... wash them and they will be fine.   "All my food rotted, see I left it in the fridge for two weeks"  "I want it replaced and now I need a new refrigerator"

Inspectors work from 6AM til around 10PM,  many end up sleeping in their cars, no motel rooms avail.  They are there to help those that need help.

"My car got wet inside,  I left the window open and somehow the rain got inside.  I do not have insurance, see I buy it on Tues to get my plates then I cancel it on Wed to save money, soo I want the government to fix my car".

If you ever have a need to drive thru Tx, make sure you have uninsured motorist coverage.

Soon Ike will be forgotten except by those that needed our help.  I hope we helped those that truly needed it.  I am sure we have helped many that did not need it also.  But that is the way the system works.  At least we have a system.

I am headed home after 48 days.  48 days that I will not soon forget.  I met some wonderful people,and I think I did indeed help them,  I carried a flashlite thru homes looking at damage that had not seen electricity for weeks. 

I got wacked big time by a pit bull . That Hurt...  The dog owner (high on crack) thought it was quite funny.   A Yorkie decided that blood looked good on my ankle.    It took two time, I am a slow learner,  but now whenever I go into a house I make the owners tie up the dogs or put them in the backyard. I have a hacking cough from filtering mold spores through my system.

I think I will remember the dog thing when back selling real estate. 

It feels good to be of some help. 

For all the ups and downs, I know that I will do it again.