
Let it Rain Real Estate Opportunity

Real Estate Sales Representative with TheBankstonGroup Profressional Real Estate Services

Georgia is no stranger to drought. For the last 18 months it seems to have gotten worse. People can't water their lawns. New laws have been passed mandating low flow toilets and low flow faucets. There was even talk of not opening swimming pools this past summer. There are dry creek beds and nearly empty lakes. But, today it rained. In fact, it is still raining. In any other area of the US, rain makes for a dreary day - getting wet going to school and to work just really isn't convenient. However, when the tables are turned, convenience seems less important when faced without having water at all.  Nowadays, Atlantans are actually excited about rain. It's practically an event when it rains. Its funny how your mind set changes.

Much like the drought (water, that is) that Atlantans are living with, Americans are facing a financial drought. It's about mind set. In any adversity there is also opportunity.

It has taken a drought for us to realize that we can't even take the simplest things, like water, for granted. It seems that now home ownership will also be one of those things that is highly coveted.

With today's low interest rates and a large selection of homes available, it makes for a huge opportunity for those in the position to buy properties. Whether it is a first home, vacation home, or investment home, today's Atlanta's real estate market represents the best buying opportunity seen in the last decade.  

And if you are one of those considering purchasing a home but are fearful that a bank won't lend you the money, you are most likely just not looking in the right place. There are plenty of institutions that are still able to give you a mortgage, one in particular is WR Starkey and Neil Hediger.