Whether its tobacco smoke, lingering cooking smells, pet odor or any one of the many scents that potential buyers may find offensive; odor control is essential in attempt to not dissuade buyers. To help you clear the air, the following are some tips on what you can do about odors and how to stop them from wafting buyers out of your home; including:
First, understand how air flows in, out and through your home. In home ventilation systems, ceiling or electrical fans or simply opening a door or window to allow the natural breeze to carry odors away. To avoid simply pushing air and odors around within the confines of your home, there must be a place for their air to exit; i.e.: an open window, as well as a driving force to push air through that exit; i.e.: a fan.
Soft surfaces such as carpet, furniture and drapes will absorb odors; consider having soft surfaces in your home steam cleaned prior to listing your home on the market.
Air purification is a more advanced means of keeping your home's air clear of not only allergens and dust, but odors as well. Small, electrical air purifiers are available at most department or big box stores. While installing a purification system into your furnace and home's air filtration system is a more costly option.
All in all, don't let unpleasant odors keep your home sitting on the market when these and more easy fixes are at your fingertips.