
Happy Birthday Mom~See Ya Later...maybe

Real Estate Agent

I went to the pumpkin patch this morning with the family.  We went to Schilter's in Nisqually like we do every year.  Of course I was freezing...can't keep warm lately.  They have tons of pumpkins, a corn cannon that you shoot an ear of corn into a field ~ if you get it in the trough, you get a free pumkin, a hay maze, corn maze, pony rides, hay rides, petting farm, toddler play area, hay pyramid for climbing.  It's always a lot of fun for all of us.

After doing the hay maze and petting farm, we went on the hay ride.  My wife and kids got off the wagon at the corn maze (Themed for the presidential election), and I rode back because I have site duty. 

I just got a call from my wife (2-1/2 hours later): "You need to have a talk with your girls!" ~ She just found her way out of the corn. 

Our oldest daughter, who has asperger's syndrome, of course had to have the map and remembers every turn so she led her little sister right through.  A little way in, they took off & ditched my wife.

They came out, went looking for pumpkins, got some cocoa, and went back to the petting farm all while their mother ~it's her birthday, by the way~ was lost in a field of corn with no map and no sense of direction. 

Well I have someone coming to relieve me early from my construction site, so I will go home & try not to laugh...I'm sure I will fail miserably.


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Laurie Mindnich
Centennial, CO

Mark, what a great description of a day in the life of a mother in a pumpkin extravaganza. I thought, by the title, that perhaps she fell off the back of the hay ride, while the guy with the guitar kept singing. Getting lost in a corn maze with kids happily navigating on wits, and figuring, "eh- mom'll find her way out" is classic. On her birthday- the icing! Thanks for sharing- hope they all had fun!

Oct 19, 2008 09:14 AM
Jim & Maria Hart
Brand Name Real Estate - Charleston, SC
Charleston, SC Real Estate

I can totally see my son doing this to me in a couple of years.  I hope your wife can see the humor in it now (though I'm sure it was not even close to funny at the time!).

Oct 19, 2008 01:50 PM
Chris Ann Cleland
Long and Foster Real Estate - Gainesville, VA
Associate Broker, Bristow, VA

Mark:  That's a story to share for years to come.  :)   On another note, I have never heard of a female with Aspberger's.  I thought it was a male dominant disease.  My husband has it, as do two of our neighborhood kids.  You learn something everyday.

Oct 20, 2008 03:05 AM
Mark Duncan
Olympia, WA

Maria: Luckily for our family, my wife has a very good sense of humor (that's how she tolerates me).  She laughs about it when we tell everyone the story.

Chris:  Asperger's is predominantly male, though many are beginning to believe that is just because girls are not be diagnosed.  They don't show the same symptoms and are usually just considered shy and immature.  Since they rarely are disruptive in school, they tend to slip through the cracks.  Many have said I am probably an "aspie" too, but I have developed srtategies to help interact with the world.

Thanks for the comments~MarkD

Oct 20, 2008 10:52 AM