These were taken in very Early Fall last year, just as the change started. Sept. 19th 2007 to be exact.
I just read another agents "ode to summer" and it made me think of these BEAUTIFUL Carolina mountains that I am so lucky to live among! I don't pretend to be a globe trotter of any sorts, but I can't imagine a more beautiful place than Upstate SC in the Fall. If anyone has ever seen the amazing blanket of colors viewed from Pretty Place, or gazed down on the multi-colored treetops from Ceasers Head, then you know what I am talking about.
If you haven't had the awesome opportunity to visit The Carolina's yet, take this beautiful Fall season to do so. Come for a visit and stay for a lifetime, it's like nothing else!
Toni M. Rose, Realtor
Prudential C. Dan Joyner Co. Realtors