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At the very first we have to know what is IT. As a definition of it we can say the study, design development, implementation, support or management of computer- based information is called information technology. Similarly increasing interconnection of people and places is known as globalization,as a result of information technologies that causes political, economic, and cultural convergence. Recently it has became popular to broaden the term to explicitly include the field of electronic communication so people tend to use the abbreviation. In the modern world every thing is based on information technology. It's became the back bone of the modern civilization. If we have to contact with the person who lives in overseas then the Internet is the fastest way to be connected with him/her. As a result of globally use of IT the whole world become in the gripe. Became globalize of IT getting of information is much more easier. Now a days many of industries are based on IT, they used the latest technology of PHP like joomla , drupal , code igniter. 


Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

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Jun 07, 2017 07:17 PM