As a fellow Managing Broker, I found myself frustrated with the amount of time, energy, and money we spent to get agents up to speed in our office, only to have them leave the business after 6 months or so having done little or no business. That's a lot of inactivity, lost revenue, and transactions that would most likely have stayed in your company if the agent decided not to leave the business. Statistics reveal that 85% of all real estate agents turn over every three years.
What about the agents and associate brokers who have dedicated many years of their lives, who would like to retire, but find they can't? And if they do, what happens to their client it sold? Is it given away...maybe even forgotten? What about retirement income or residual income over the long term?
Can you imagine what kind of additional gross transactional income you could bring to your office by harnessing these lost transactions and client bases? Well we did imagine it and realized that there was a way for everyone involved to benefit from a program that captured these transactions at the source. is that program.
By bringing the MGP program to your office, you are offering your agents and your business incredible perks:
Perks to the office & your agents:
- Customized exit strategies
- Additional referral income
- Protection of investment
- Protection and exclusivity of clients and customers brought to the office
- Flexibility to get in and out of the business at will
- A way to stay connected to those who leave the office
- More transactional income splits to the office, otherwise lost
- A great recruiting incentive
Perks to the inactive agent or retired agent:
- Protection and exclusivity of clients and customers
- Ongoing agent branding
- Opportunity to become a Professional Referral Agent
- One of the only legal ways for non-active agents to collect commissions
- Ability to earn passive income otherwise lost
- Personalized marketing campaigns
- Flexibility to get in and out of the business as agent chooses
- Unbelievable member benefits