1. You may be at a stop light..watching cars go by,,,just sitting waiting
to do something...afraid to accelerate...frozen and have you foot on the
brake! Today is the day to accelerate or merge back into the traffic!
2. I want you to be:
Competent - know how to do what we ask you to do or what you are currently
Confident - stand tall - raise your head - act like you have a mill. in the
So you are comfortable - people know when you are under stress or
stresses....get comfortable fast! -- relax! Breath in , now breath out!
Please write this down....WHAT DO I WANT - IN THE NEXT 7 WEEKS?
* Business
* Personal
* Money
* Spiritual
* Family
Take 5 minutes and just write down whatever comes to you....THINK!
Ok...the business side of things: It begins with a plan
1. How many Listing Appts. do I want to be out on in the next 7 weeks?
2. How many new listing will I take in the next 7 weeks?
3. How many new sales (listing sold or BCS) in the next 7 weeks?
4. How many new leads do I want to generate in the next 7 weeks?
5. How many Price Reductions in the next 7 weeks?
6. How many new contacts will I make - in the next 7 weeks?
7. How many hours will I prospect each day - in the next 7 weeks?
8. How many times will I exercise - in the next 7 weeks?
* Please email me your fax numbers - I will fax you a copy of a perfect day
schedule - we'll talk about this in detail next week.
Last thought - Take your foot off the pedal...accelerate these next 7
weeks - BE YOUR BEST - Accept nothing less from yourself!
Dean & Eric "The Fsbo & Coaching Guys"
Owners Fsbo Hotsheet & Eric Jordan Coaching LLC