Well, it is obvious to say that the Portland real estate market is experiencing a delayed decline as compared to the rest of the nation. A popular word to toss around is "challenging" - a word our Team has discussed intently over the past several weeks.
Though we are not denying the current conditions, we are choosing to take a "glass half full" outlook versus it being "half empty". Yes, optimists at heart.
We could throw in the towel, offer our surrender or bury our heads in the sand until this all settles -as many in our industry have elected. INSTEAD, we march forward as it would be a disservice to you, our clients, if we failed to uncover hidden opportunities.
There is a tremendous one sitting at our doorsteps. Many of you hear it each and every day via our numerous media portals - house values are decreasing... local market prices declined... and so forth. Through all the dismal information conveyed by our news sources, one with an open mind can actually spy a twinkle of light... yes, an opportunity.
Whether you are a first-time homebuyer, seasoned veteran in the investment world or one who would like to start a real estate portfolio - if there were ever a time to start, the time is NOW.
Regardless of the perception toward the real estate financing industry, loans are being funded each and every day across the nation AND at rates not to be taken for granted. There are still programs offered where as little as a 3% down payment can open the door to home ownership. Thus, with home prices at record lows this is the time and place! So, turn off the televisions with their doomsday reporting, leave the newspaper in the driveway... pick up the phone and call a local expert! Tell your Realtor the type of property you want - find the best deals available!
Now, for the Sellers out there... we know it is tough. Yet, it is not about having the cake and eating it all in one sitting. You may take a small slice at the sale of your current home, the rest of the cake will be found in your next purchase. Don't miss out on the discounted home prices!