Two of my sisters married into a family of practical jokers. Their jokes ranged from the mild ones like moving each others cars in a parking lot to some more extreme cases like this one:
One evening when George was visiting my sister, he asked me if I wanted to go for a ride. I was only about 10 or 11 at the time. I remember it was dark when we drove to his brother Marc's house. I was a little creeped out when he stopped the truck in the alley, got out, and unscrewed the light bulb from the security light on the garage ~ was I going to be involved in some sort of theft?
Then he had me help him carry something in a dark plastic bag over to the driveway and set it down in front of Marc's truck. George opened the hood & disconnected the battery cable & bent down to open the plastic bag. I looked down and was scared to hell & back when I saw a bloody dear head looking up at me! Evidently a buddy had killed a dear on a hunting trip and George asked him for the head so he could play a "little joke." He asked me to help him lift it up, but being a city kid who never went hunting, I was too freaked out to get close to it.
I watched while he lifted the head up, placed it next to the engine, & gently closed the hood. When we got out of the driveway, George screwed the security light back in. We drove around the block and went to the front door. Inside, George tried several things to try and get Marc to go drive his truck but nothing worked. We had to give up and go home.
The next night George was visiting again when Marc came to the door. He was hunched to his right and limping slightly. His face was red and there was a vein bulging on his forehead.
He was off work & didn't drive that morning, but his wife asked him to go to the store for her that night. As George planned, Marc's truck wouldn't start. When he opened the hood to check the battery, he saw in the shadow a huge head staring up at him. Evidently, he jumped backyard, landed on his chain-link fence and flipped ass over teakettle. The fence gouged his back and bruised his ribs. It was over a month before Marc could walk upright again.
The amazing thing is that he was only mad for that day. These guys had been doing this stuff all their lives and it was just how they played. Marc new that he would have a chance for vengeance.
They really do live by the "Don't Get Mad...Get Even" philosophy.