
Consultative Real Estate Agent

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Green Parachute, LLC


As Managing Brokers, one of the major challenges we are currently facing revolves around agent retention. Let's not hide our heads in the sand...many agents are evaluating their current situation and making decisions regarding their future. In most markets this year, we saw their lead quantity and quality drop significantly combined with a slower market, resulting in fewer sales and income for all of us. Competitors are targeting our top producers and offering higher commission splits and other "benefits" to entice them. Board and MLS fees will be an out of pocket expense soon for a large number of local areas. All of these situations add up to uncertainty.


With that scenario in mind, we need to step up in our coaching process and make sure we are positioned to keep the current sales team together. One of the best ways to add to your ongoing communication is through consistent skill training. I recently discovered an excellent resource in Kelle Sparta's book, The Consultative Real Estate Agent. Written in 2006, she provides a thorough examination of our business activity from an agent perspective and shares numerous valuable techniques to make more sales and money. After recently attending the ABR courses (good training, but too basic to completely satisfy my expectations), I suggest that her book now have a subtitle of "ABR Course on Steroids!". I purchased a copy for all of my agents back in early September with the assignment to read it in preparation for group conference call discussions. I assigned specific chapters for agents to present and lead discussion on the calls. The participation and feedback has been gratifying, even though much of the information serves to validate our past training. If you are in need of a training/teambuilding exercise that is worth the time, effort and expense, I highly recommend this text and conducting your own "Book Club" discussion groups. It may give your team members another good reason to stay with you.

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Kelle Sparta
Sparta Success Systems - Somerville, MA
Real Estate Trainer and Coach

Thanks, Randy, I'm glad you enjoyed the book!  You may want to offer your agents the opportunity to sign up for my free newsletter so that they can keep getting good information. I also have a 10-part free audio program based on the book that they might enjoy (or that brokers can use to supplement their Book Club training).  Thanks again for the recommendation!

Oct 21, 2008 04:47 AM