I responded to a blog post this morning and it got me thinking. Last summer I took 3 full days of classes to obtain my ABR designation. I took the classes with an associate of mine and we were 2 of only 3 Realtors from our Colorado Springs real estate market. Why? We took the classes up in Denver. At the time, we took the classes up there because they were available when we wanted to take them.
Looking back - I'm glad we did! It's changed my perspective on continuing education classes. I consider education important, but I'll be honest. Sometimes I have a class scheduled and I dread going to it and "wasting" a whole day of sitting in class when I could be working.
Since taking the ABR course, I've made a decision to take courses outside of my marketplace whenever possible. During the course, I met quite a few Denver Realtors and established a wider referral base. It made taking the classes that much more rewarding! Now I can look at classes as not only an educational opportunity, but also a networking opportunity!
Give it some thought - the drive or flight to another area might be worth it from time to time. =)