
Forest Fire In Hammonton Township NJ Area of Wharton Forest.

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Preferred

NJ Forest Fires (NJDEP)According to breaking news reports, several hundred acres of Wharton Forest in the Hammonton Township area of South New Jersey are on fire along Route 206.  A couple hundred fire fighters are currently trying to control and contain the fire from spreading, including building backfires.

This is the first significant fire in the Pinelands area since last August 2007 which involved about 1000 acres burning in the same general area.  In May of that same year a huge fire destroyed thousands of acres, homes and forced people to seek emergency shelter (See previous fire article: Forest Fire Threatens New Jersey Pinelands North of Atlantic County, NJ containing additional resource links) around Ocean County.

Will provide updated if this situation expands.

Additional News Links:

Fire Burns in New Jersey Forest Land (ongoing)

10/23: A.C. Press - Forest Fire Holds at 1800 acres  Update (10/24)

10/24: CBS 10 - Forest Fire Smoke Causes Problems in South JerseyBurlington County Times

National Weather Service Fire Weather

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