"I have been looking at auctions and MLS listings and was trying to put in offers with a realtor but he is very slow to respond to me and even slower in getting offers (weeks) and of course by then the property is sold. It just seems like he doesnt care and its not like I am offering much lower than the asking price. I am pre-approved not just qualified with Wells Fargo with a conventional loan. I am looking for real life people who have worked with a realtor they felt actually gave them a time of day."
There are several points to your question that concern me as Realtor. The fact that you feel he is very slow and does not care is a huge issue. You are making a huge purchase/investment and must feel confident in the Realtor representing you. If you have not already done so, you need to talk to him and get things straightened out. Hopefully this is just a misunderstanding and you will work things out.
As far as a Short Sale, they can take weeks to get a response and to be honest, many listing agents do not let all offering agents know that they did not get the property. Frustrating for everyone....YES. With that, it is important that your agent be well versed in the short sale process so you as the buyer are 100% comfortable that he/she is following up and keeping you informed.
Pre Approved is a requirement in the crazy market but there are many properties that do require you to qualify with their lender so they are sure you are truly qualified. You do not need to use their lender but many listing agents will not submit your offer without this.
Again, I wish you well in your search for your home and if you are unable to come to an agreement with your current representation, please consider interviewing me so I may show you what I will do for you.
Best of luck,
Sean Seckar,
RE/MAX of Santa Clarita http://www.SeanSeckar.com