While location is a great part of choosing a home, the right size is also key. For some leaving Chicago is never an option. And wanting to be in the city, might mean not buying a family style home, but looking into condos or townhomes. Looking into Chicago condos might be right for those looking to stay in the city, and own their own home!
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A friend of mine just bought a condo with New West Realty at 1555 Wabash. It is still in the process of being built, but is expecting delieveries really soon, within the next month or so, very reasonably priced. www.1555Wabash.wordpress.com. I know New West Realty offers single family homes and townhomes as well, mostly on the Near West Side. www.heritagehomeschicago.wordpress.com www.parkplacehomes.wordpress.com www.eastgatevillage.wordpress.com
Oct 22, 2008 09:53 AM