Certified Office Overview
The Certified Office program was designed to bring MyGreenParachute to real estate offices on a local level - those who benefit most from the referrals, and can see the benefit of building a "referral army". It is important to have strategic alliances with those brokers who know the "in's and out's" of their area, and who can most benefit from this innovative program. Certified Offices benefit through offering the referral programs MyGreenParachute has to offer including Retire with Royalty and individual referrals which flow through Certified Offices. In effect, Certified Offices act as a local liaison for inactive agents in our program within specific territories throughout the United States and Canada.
Each Certified Office Broker or Manager partakes in a targeted training and coaching program which directly addresses how to coach and offer benefits to retiring brokers and agents within your territory, and how to effectively recapture transactions from retiring brokers, and agents leaving the industry.
Here's what being a MyGreenParachute certified office means to you:
- Certified Offices exclusively offer the MyGreenParachute.com program on a local level
- Certified Offices have an advantage over the competition for recruiting and retention
- Territories are protected and based on the number of agents in each area
- Agents in Certified Offices have the opportunity to control the local referral market
- Certified offices are the only offices in your area that can accept referrals from MyGreenParachute.com and offer them to their agents
- MyGreenParachute offers three separate streams of income for your office from it's programs
- Incredible return on a small investment of time and expertise for the office, and increased transactions for the agents.
- Certified offices have the edge on recruiting and retention over your competition, Get the best agents!
- As an exclusive office in your area, referrals sent through My Green Parachute by inactive agents (Key Agents) are sent directly back to your office.
- As a My Green Parachute Certified Office you offer a beneficial exit strategy to the agents in your office and your exclusive territory
- Company paid training for the Broker or Manager to ensure the highest level of program profitability and number of referrals for your office
- Training and coaching for Certified Offices, Key Referral Agents, and Active Field Agents by a nationally recognized motivational speaker and best selling author.
Requirements for a Certified Office:
- Must be a licensed Real Estate Broker or Partner with one.
- Must have a physical office and be a legal real estate brokerage, compliant with all state and federal licensure regulations.
- Must be willing to become involved in the local real estate community
- Must be willing to act as coach and mentor as needed
- Must be willing to pro-actively offer the program to your local area, and follow the program to achieve the best return on investment.
National Training and Coaching
First class training and coaching is offered to Certified Offices and Key Agents and with the nationally acclaimed personal development coach and best selling author, John Fuhrman. John has designed a top notch training program for our Certified Offices, the Key Referral Agents, and Active Field Agents. Ongoing training and coaching is available for Certified Office brokers including web based, live, and teleseminar training
Retire With Royalty
Certified offices can also offer the Retire with Royalty program local agents retiring from the Real estate industry. MGP has designed a personalized program that will make it possible for exiting brokers and career agents to retire without the guilt, and receive long-term referral and residual income. If they so choose, they can even keep your name prominent in the local community.
An overview of the program includes:
- Continue to brand the Retiring Broker or Career Agent
- Protect your client database
- Develop a Contact Portfolio to protect database, and ensure long term residual income.
- Customized Marketing Drip Campaign sent to Contact Portfolio
- High Quality agents are trained and set up to receive the referrals from the contact portfolio
- All referrals are tracked to know when they are closing, and how much the agent can expect as referral income. Long term income
- Retiring Agent can do as much or a little business as they choose
Certified Office Resources:
To offer Certified Offices a strong program, ongoing training and resources for Certified Offices encompass the following:
- Online Resources
- Income Streams
- How to track referral income
- Agent sign up income
- Broker Owners
- Financial Projections
- Breakdown of how referral income
- Legal & Compliance
- Administration
- Online resources
- How to add a referral
- Outline of referrals
- Retire with Royalty Program
- How we market to your database on your behalf
- Online Resources
- Projected income
- Sample materials
- Marketing and Promotions
- Key Referral Agents
- How to set up profile
- Setting up Contact Portfolio
- Sending referrals
- Income projections
- Online Resources
- Promotional Materials
- Field Agents
- How to add your profile to the website
- How to send a referral for a key agent
- Forms and Paper trail
- How field agents receive referrals through their
- Online resources for the Active Field Agent
Optional Kick-off Event:
We will work with you to bring in a "World Class" speaker to bring in prospects a launch event in your area. This is a great public relations opportunity for your office, and a strong recruiting opportunity.
Income Streams
Certified Offices enjoy income streams from Key Agent Signs ups, Field Agent Sign-ups, referral splits, and additional transactions. The territories for Certified Offices are exclusive, and there are a limited number available. To ensure exclusivity and maximum benefit for each Certified Office, territories are offered dependent on the agent population in your specific area.
There is no monetary charge in becoming a My Green Parachute.com Certified Office, although an investment of time and resources is necessary.
Steps to get involved
- Contact us to set up a time for phone discussion
- Sign a confidentiality agreement
- Online training and webinars
- Launch the program in your area
- Partake in ongoing coaching
- Schedule Optional Launch Event
To discuss this opportunity or to bring MyGreenParachute.com to your office, contact us now...