even now as we speak dozens of sub-prime banks are going under and even more are on the verge of sinking. some are still functional but aren't accepting new applicants. here is a list of the fallen already:
these are presently bankrupt:
resmae mortgage
mortgage network lenders
the following are sold or up for sale:
fremont investment loan, ameriquest mortgage, option one mortgage,
first franklin financial, equifirst, fieldstone investment
be wary of these:
new century financial, accrediated home leders, novastar financial
these weren't small time people; they were on the top 25. they had around 1-5% marketshare and all i can say is what about the poor fools that were suckered into these companies when they knew they couldnt write off anymore bad loans? i heard of an ad sponsored by the state of indiana on a tv commerical. its call www.indianainvestmentwatch.com