
Cape Coral Short Sales | Advice for banks

Real Estate Agent with Florida Future Realty, Inc. BK3071625

I'm a firm believer in only addressing a problem if you have the solution.

The recent blog I wrote about Countrywide short sales sure caused a lot of comments, emails and phone calls.

Not to worry, I have a solution.

Read the full article about Countrywide Short Sales and the WHY behind this post.

Here's what I propose the banks do to collect the most money back on these bad loans:


1)    Have an intake department with a checklist of items needed in package

(timeframe: same day of receipt)

a.     Reject all that are missing items - send letter of explanation

b.     Forward on all complete packages to analysis team


2)    Analysis Team - reviews package

(timeframe: 2 days of review)

a.     Verifies hardship

b.     Verifies value

c.      If good - forward to closing negotiator

d.     If doesn't work - send letter of why/reject


3)    Closing Negotiator - closes file

(timeframe: 2 days of review)

a.     Reviews file

b.     Send approval


Ok, maybe I'm in dreamland but I think this would work. Banks would send approvals within a week. Sell off bad loans within 30 days. Our real estate market would improve as the inventory is sold.

Sound simple? Remember KISS? Yep, that's right! 

I'm sure there are thousands of incomplete, bogus-offers files sitting somewhere at every bank. If they would just reject those upon receipt it would give their staff time to work on files that actually make sense.


By the way, we will still handle Countrywide short sales. Just keep in mind that they might take longer than the others - at least until Countrywide fixes up their process.


Any loss mitigators out there? I'd love to hear your comments! 


Read the full article about Countrywide Short Sales and the WHY behind this post.


As always, if you are considering buying or selling in the Cape Coral and Ft. Myers area, we'd love to assist you. Buyers, search thousands of homes for sale on our website. Sellers, if you need help with a short sale let us know. We're here to help.


Yours in Success,

Florida Future Realty, Inc.

(239) 542-8521


copyright 2008 Susan Milner | Florida Future Realty, Inc.

Disclaimer: For those of you who are not familiar with short sales; this is NOT the way banks are handling short sales. This is how I propose they handle them. Currently many negotiations are taking 30-120 days to facilitate. Following the above advice would DRAMATICALLY reduce this time!

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Barb Van Stensel
Chicago, IL

Would love to have a simple solution and get approvals right off the bat and out the door, off the books and everybody is happy.  However, while I agree with you here's the other side of the coin.  The Truth in Lending Act might have been violated.  Fraud, lending abuse, collusion and the banks are being asked by the Federal Government to step forward and look for modification before a short sale.  My clients are in default.  I'm in the business to selling but I'm also in the business of making sure that my client's rights weren't violated.  They reached out to their bank several times and no call backs.  So we faxed.  Then I got POA and I called and I faxed.  You know what?  The bank sent them a summons to their door yesterday and never returned one call, well, until last night when they tried reaching me but called my parents in Michigan and I'm in Illinois!  (Word to the wise, don't name your children after you).  Now, once a short sale is agreed, there is a due process of law that the banks have to follow to make sure that adequate notice, blah, blah, blah, you know the routine. 

I have another one on my desk where Grandma died but had a mortgage.  No one knew about it.  You know why?  Grandma didn't take the loan out! 

I would love for these babies to be accepted on a dime and get them off the table but I also believe that that would also be hurting us as it is the reverse side of the negative ARM program, etc .  We put people in homes in some of these programs that shouldn't have been out there to begin with yet we need to figure out the paper trail if title companies, mortgage brokers, banks, realtors, appraisers, attorneys had a repeat role that played an intrical part and some of that comes up once the property is broadcasted in the paper and then it's like exterminating a home, everything comes out of the woodwork.  I worked in a law firm during the oil crisis.  UCC's weren't filed and loans were continued to be made because the UCC's for the previous loans weren't recorded.  What we figured out was that some of the loan officers in these banks only went on vacation for one week at a time.  That wasn't long enough for the paper trail to be tracked.  When they were asked to go on vacation for two weeks "because they were working so hard", that's when the truth came out.

I think you have some really great ideas but the people behind the scenes are hourly employees that work 9 to 5 and don't give a rats nest about you or the file.  They are just doing a job because it puts food on their table.  However, and I mean this, there are some who do care but these files are so nasty and thick that the ones that have been brought into my office for me to review because I blog alot about consumer rights, etc., that it gives me nightmares.  There has to be some sort of process that will work but because of all the notices that legally have to be put in the paper, you should see what is coming out of the woodwork. 

I agree with you but I also know that we have to eliminate those who have repeated have been abusive with the financing and to look at the tier of problems and how can we eliminate these problems.  Greenspan has "somewhat" owned up to it but we've got a ways to go.


Oct 25, 2008 12:24 PM
Neal Bloom
Brokered by eXp Realty LLC - Weston, FL
Realtor CRS-Weston FL Real Estate


I in a good mood until I read this...I have 4 with them and so far I have one going on 4 months and they gave us an approval but after q week still have not given us it in writing and they aren't returning calls or's utterly ridiculous and they should be ashamed of themselves..they lied and they lose paperwork all the time...oh and did I mention that they are down right unprofessional and have no idea how to run that department? I have one with a different bank that was recently sold and they have already moved much faster.

Oct 25, 2008 12:45 PM
Susan Milner
Florida Future Realty, Inc. - Cape Coral, FL
Cape Coral Real Estate Broker, FloridaFutureAgents

Barb, I definitely 'get' your point. My issue is why it should sit around at the bank for months when no one is working on it. They are simply reading their script "It is in review; please call back in 30 days". I definitely think they need their time for their own due diligence and the weekly guideline above is an exaggeration; however, it needs to be knocked down by a few months for sure :) Would save everyone time and money.

Neal, I hate that. We had one that the buyer walked away in June - had been sitting there since April and NOW, yes NOW in Oct they are calling me about where we are in the process....hmmmm. What a mess.

Oct 25, 2008 01:07 PM
Bryant Tutas
Tutas Towne Realty, Inc and Garden Views Realty, LLC - Winter Garden, FL
Selling Florida one home at a time

Susan, CW is truly a pain in my rear. I battled with them last month to accept a very good cash deal on one of my listings and they just wouldn't budge from their "BPO" price. The buyer finally just walked. I now have the property priced even lower and it is dead in the water. Values are declining way too fast now. Every month they take they are losing another 5%-10% in value.

Oct 26, 2008 01:30 AM
Susan Milner
Florida Future Realty, Inc. - Cape Coral, FL
Cape Coral Real Estate Broker, FloridaFutureAgents

Bryant, I know the feeling. The last one they denied on me get this: Their value was actually LOWER than the contract price BUT they have a certain threshold where if it is this much less than the mortgage amonunt they FORECLOSE. I was told that by one of the VPs.....Sad but really no since of trying again in these cases.

Oct 26, 2008 01:53 AM
Terry Miller
Miller Homes Group - Tyler, TX
Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator

Thanks for the great advice. I will check back often. I really like the blog. I am new at blogging but I am beginning to learn quite a bit from reading blogs like the ones I find on Active Rain. If I can ever be of help just visit my blog or my website:   

                                                                 Thanks, Terry

Nov 27, 2008 12:42 AM