100,000 points
I knew it was coming, knew it was right around the corner.
Yet I missed it!
I have Don Rogers to thank for pointing it out to me - I had turned the corner on 100,000 points. I made it!
So... what to say in my celebratory post?
I have no idea.
Google, help me!
If you Google "100,000" all sorts of pages come up, with all sorts of articles and posts. Not all of them good. I quickly skipped over those.
But one entry did catch my attention -
The United States of America printed a one hundred thousand dollar bill!
High denomination bills were printed in the US starting in 1929. The $100,000 bill featured Woodrow Wilson and was the only high denomination bill not printed in green.
High denomination bills were last printed in 1945 and officially discontinued on July 14, 1969, by the Federal Reserve System.
These bills were commonly used by banks and the Federal Government for large financial transactions. They were not commonly used as every day legal tender. (Mmm... wonder why!)
Finally in 1969, circulation of high-denomination bills was halted by an executive order from President RichardNixon, in an effort to combat organized crime.
So... what does this have to do with my milestone?
My last post, the one that had Don Rogers offering me his congratulations, was a collection of inspirational quotes by President Richard Nixon.
I thought about coming full circle - about connecting the dots - about the road from here to there.
For 100,000 points, I have been connecting the dots, going down the road from here to there. I have made a lot of friends, I have gained business and I have gained more knowledge than I ever could have dreamed.
I have connected the last dot, to form my picture. Now, it's time to fill in the outline, to build upon what I have so far created in Active Rain.
To color my picture green. Or perhaps even orange.
until we speak quietly enough so that our words can be heard as well as our voices.
Richard Nixon