

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Keller Williams Metropolitan NH:031740 MA:9564576

OK so the election is 10 days away - I am an independent and have looked at both side and still am undecided - I would love to hear your opinions on who to vote for and why.  I think it would be interesting to hear from different parts of the country since NH is economically struggling but I understand we are one of the few places that really have not hit recession status.    Let me know what you think. 

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Diane Hudzik
Keller Williams - Ann Arbor, MI


Well, here goes, she says with trepidation. For me I start with the fundamentals. What do I think is the role of government. I believe the role of government is to protect the country, work within the framework of the constitution and defend the citizenry. Our foundational documents state that there are inalienable rights: the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There is a hierarchy to these rights. Without life, there is no liberty, without liberty there is no pursuit of happiness.

Unfortunately Sen. Obama is committed to eliminating the inalienable right to life with his promice to repeal the Born Alive Protection Act which was passed with bi-partissan support. This act says that if a baby survives an abortion it is to be taken care of and not retroactivly aborted. If the government can allow others to decide whether a born alive child can live then all of us are at risk. All that needs to change is the definition of who has the right to live. There is no longer an inalienable right to life. Instead of inalienable rights we would be now have government granted license.

Some would argue that is is just one of many issues to consider.
I don't, for me, this is the very foundation of our country. If our inalienable rights are eliminated or transformed into license then we will be building beautiful facades on warped and damaged foundations. This is not a wise investment.

Does Sen. Obama have better ideas? Maybe, maybe not. But this idea of his is so damaging to our country's footings, that anything built on it will eventually falter.
It's sad, I wanted to vote for him. I liked the idea of him on lots of levels.

This is in someways like a home inspection, sometimes once you get a closer look it is time to say, "no this isn't a good idea let's look somewhere else."


Oct 25, 2008 11:27 PM
Larry Story ALC
Total Care Realty - Greensboro, NC
Beneath it all is the Land, Covering all of NC

Bonnie you really want to get a lot of content don't you.   I hope you are ready to read because this will start to stack up fast. 

To answer your question I am voting for McCain/Palin.  Most of all I am voting for John McCain versus Barack Obama.  I know they try to cloud the issue with talking about the VP's.  John McCain's fiscal strategy is to encourage the business world and let businesses grow.  I can throw figures and quote campaign rhetoric as much as anyone and as much as I am sure you are going to get but, when it comes down to it.  I am not a Socialist,  I believe in working for what I get and what I have.  I am healthy and able to work.  Therefore, I don't want nor need government handouts.  Unfortunately I know that if Barack H. Obama is elected our country is going to undergo change alright but, not the change they everybody thinks will happen.  He will push us right into a depression and the federal government will A) have control of most of the banking community because of the bailout, B)grow even larger with federal health insurance that those of us that do work will be paying for those out there that decide they don't want to work C)More government control of our education system D)Higher and higher taxes for those that earn a paycheck versus those that live off of the government. I do understand that people need help now and then.  I even was at that point decades ago after a divorce.  But, my pride would not allow me to even sign up for unemployment because I was able to work.  Even though it was hard work I had to start from the bottom up again.  That is what this country was founded on HARD WORK.  I don't think our founding fathers brought over boat loads of people that did not want to work and just wanted everyone else to support them.  It is this feeling of entitlement that just really burns me up!

Oct 25, 2008 11:40 PM
Richard Shuman
The Only B.S. I Have is from the University of Massachusetts - Lake Mary, FL
Real Estate Broker - Orlando Area - Love Referrals

A good friend of mine says they will both be able to do very little since there is no money. SO LOOK AT THE INDIVIDUAL. JOHN McCAIN VS OBAMA. Who cares obout the USA more. McCAIN wins!!!!

Oct 26, 2008 01:05 AM
Celeste Starmer, P.A.
Town & Country Realty - Deland, FL
Affordable Housing Partner

Oh my!!!  Refreshing.... before I entered I already knew what I wanted to write... then I read your blog and the two comments previous to mine.  I also will vote for John McCain.  My comment is an echo of the first two.  You must decide what your core beliefs are. 

Do you believe that the government should play a large role in our lives or small role.  Do you believe we do a better job than the government or do they do a better job than us?  I think we can all remember saying "oh it's a government job..." when excusing the poor customer service we recieved at whatever government agency it was. 

The previous commentors, for me, hit the nail on the head.  All though Barack is an eloquent speaker he wants to fundamentally change the way our great nation is run.....transforming us into a Socialist government.  While I do believe Change is needed, we do not need to become a welfare state.  Perhaps, Obama has good intentions.  I just don't think that he will deliver the outcome that we all want, a stronger more secure, peaceful and prosperous nation. 

It's a Brave New World under Obama


Oct 26, 2008 01:19 AM
Maria Peace


Here is a different perspective than the usual Republican realtor one.  First step is to seek reliable information on which to make your decisions.  There has been too much garbage circulating this election.

I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of the lying emails I have received. Below are two non partisan websites that address lies being circulated.  It is crucial that you know the truth and facts and don't rely on the abundant deceitful blogs and advertising of this election and that you cast your vote.

Next time you see an email, check out the facts rather than listening to a bunch of ignorant people misled by false rumors.  (I am talking about both sides-not picking on just one party) Watch PBS news reports and interviews which are very balanced and always include both sides and on-site reporting for reliability.  Research online English language editions of international newspapers to get other perspectives. Check out the following non-partisan websites. It is not radical or leftist to be well informed-it is prudent.  Please, just get the real facts, not rumors, then make the decision to vote for who best meets your interests.  This is an important election-the most important one in which I have ever participated.  Don't let your brain go lame by soaking in propaganda and ignorant rumors-thinking is a good thing-it is liberating.

FYI, I am not anybody's mouthpiece.  I am a well educated realtor with an undergraduate degree in Political Science from a top university and an MBA degree who is sick and tired of flaky and ignorant positions being pushed around by some members of our profession and the false rumor Republican emails that are circulating.  I am a thoughtful person, well versed in politics and economics/business who considers all sides to an issue and researches the facts. 

I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, but I am voting for Obama for the following reasons:

1.  The lies circulated by the McCain ads and supporters.  They show a lack of integrity and deception which I do not want from my President. Colin Powell also mentioned that this weekend when he announced his endorsement of Obama instead of McCain. 

2.  I think the choice of Palin is a joke and an insult to the intelligence of American voters.  It is a scary concept to imagine McCain croaking in office and having someone who cannot even pronounce the word nuclear (she pronounced it as "nyuke-u-lure" in the debate). She was referring to anti Vietnam war dissident as a "terrorist", but didn't think someone who bombs an abortion clinic is a terrorist.  Is that an idiot or what!  If I were a Republican, this alone would sway me to not vote for my party.  I guess terrorism is okay as long as it is fascist?

3.  Most Americans will benefit from Obama's tax package, while McCain's benefits only the few.  Go to independent sources like the Tax Policy Institute and see for yourselves.  I think you will also find that most realtors fall within the tax brackets that will benefit from Obama's tax proposals.  I received one lying email that makes false statements and cites such reliable sources.  Being surprised that this person claimed their statements were supported by facts that were the opposite of what I had heard from the same sources, I investigated the claimed sources.   I was right and found the information given in the email was disinformation and was the opposite of what the sources stated.  Don't let yourself be deceived-check the sources and separate the truth from the lies. 

4.  The war in Iraq must stop and we cannot risk any more stupid moves like this that were built upon deceit and cost precious human lives on both sides.  Obama's willingness to sit down and communicate is crucial-it is necessary to try to resolve problems rather than being the usual "ugly Americans"  I believe that Barack Obama has much more potential to deal with these issues and to negotiate and build positive relationships with these leaders than other candidates.  Colin Powell's endorsement again is a critical reaffirmation of this.  Keep in mind that Colin Powell is crossing party lines in his endorsement. 

5.  The Republicans got us into this stupid war and economic collapse and we desperately need a change in leadership that pursues the interests of the majority, rather than just the few.  The most crucial issues are our economy and the war. Also, remember that the damage has already been done and no matter who gets in power, we are in tax "doo doo"  The difference between the two sides is who will bear most of this burden:  the majority of working Americans or the few who profited from this mess.


Oct 26, 2008 05:21 AM