
North Denver, Colorado 3Q 2008 Condo Price Performance

Real Estate Sales Representative with Your Castle Real Estate

The big message has not changed since last quarter - it's still a great time to be a buyer in the condo market. Prices are at a three year low in many areas, and interest rates on mortgages are still historically low.

The average condo price in Metro Denver declined 4% between 2006 and 2007: from $187K to $180K. Homes dropped 3% in that time period. Looking just at the first nine months of 2008 vs. the same time period in 2007, the price dropped 6%: from $181K to $172K. Homes dropped 11% in that time period. From their peak prices in 2006, condos have dropped around 9.5% while homes have dropped 12%. These numbers will be slightly different than Metrolist, as they are just Denver Metro and don't include outlying areas like Fort Collins, Colorado Springs, or Boulder.

Some areas did better than others. The attached chart shows different neighborhoods in our region. Each region has the neighborhood's name and the percentage of sales in the last twelve months that were either short sales or bank-owned properties. The second line has the price change the twelve months from October 2007 to September 2008 vs. the twelve months immediately preceding. Next, you'll see the average condo price in the last twelve months and the average days on market (DOM) in the last twelve months. There had to be at least twenty sales in the last year for an area to be included. The numbers are more reliable in areas where there were more sales.

Last quarter, we reported that days on market (DOM) had been declining for condos, which should be a leading indicator that we are due for price increases soon. That still seems to be the case.

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Brandon Gill
Your Castle Real Estate - Aurora, CO

Your information reflects a true depiction of what is going on in the Denver market. I like the way you have put this information. It is insightful but matter of fact.  Do you send this information to your clients or just use it in your brokerage?

Oct 26, 2008 02:56 PM
Rex Jarnagin
Your Castle Real Estate - Lafayette, CO

I am amazed at the information that you have access to. Is this helpful to your clients? I am also curious if you share it with them or just keep it within your department.  What do you find most helpful to share with clients?

Oct 26, 2008 03:28 PM