
Reators - We're On Your Side!

Home Stager with The Staged Advantage

I am a Stager here in Northern NJ and sometimes find it a very difficult thing to convince Reatlors that I am ON THEIR SIDE and want to HELP THEM SELL HOMES.  Is it just that Staging is still relatively new in this area, or is there some attitude toward Stagers I am not aware of yet?

Staging is a proven method for improving the appeal of a home to buyers.  Statistics show that Staged homes sell faster and at a higher price, and what ever the price of the Staging - it is SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER than reducing the price of the home! 

 Any tips from those who have been "out there" longer on the correct way to communicate with Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, Builders and Homeowners?  Realtors, any comments?

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Craig Schiller
Trempealeau, WI

Perseverance! I have nearly 3 years under my belt yapping about the benefits about staging.  And I still an uphill climb.  Remember you are in the business of good first impressions.  So everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING) about you and YOUR business MUST convey that message. I have found that Agent Centric Offices are more receptive to the staging idea... at first. So you might want to concentrate your efforts on there. Just this past week I have JUST cracked thru to a Broker Centric Office.  So don't give up. Every experience is a lesson learned.

Sep 09, 2006 01:19 AM
Susan Townsend Puglisi
The Staged Advantage - Morristown, NJ

Thanks Craig, I think you're right, perseverance is the key.  Do you ever market to homeowners directly or always through realtors?

Any tips on finding names/addresses on where to send literature?  Do you start with a phone call, email, mailing, what is the best first contact?

Sep 09, 2006 01:25 AM
Craig Schiller
Trempealeau, WI
Realtors at first. Remember SPEAK into the listening of your audience.  What I mean by that is share with the realtor how staging benifits them... THEN have a different benifit message to share with the home seller.

Remember we humans is basically selfish... we wanna know... what's in it for me?
Sep 09, 2006 01:36 AM
Alexander Harb
Knights Investing - Mesquite, TX
Dallas, Texas Real Estate Investing
It looks like you are doing it here, susan...go get em, lady!!!!!
Sep 09, 2006 01:51 AM
Eric Bouler
Gardner Realtors, Licensed in La. - New Orleans, LA
Listening to your Needs
I have never seen a stager in this market so its wide open. Different areas may have different habits and it takes a little longer to overcome. eric
Sep 09, 2006 02:20 AM
Tony Croft
Tony Croft Team at Northstar Funding - Helping 1st Time Buyers, Move Up Buyers & Investors - Hoboken, NJ
Mortgage Advisor 201-943-6800

I would suggest joining the local Association of Realtors in your area as an asssociate member.

Good luck.

Sep 10, 2006 10:29 AM
Susan Townsend Puglisi
The Staged Advantage - Morristown, NJ
Great idea Tony!  I'll check into it!  Thanks.
Sep 11, 2006 12:09 PM
joanne Douglas
Terrie O'Connor Realtors - Ridgewood, NJ
I am totally in favor of staging and have had good results with the folks that we use.  I know that many of the Realtors in our office don't use stagers and do pull against the idea; I wish I could tell you why and how to overcome that objection.  My only advice would mimic others here, persevere (aka Hang In There, they will catch on)  
Oct 04, 2006 03:50 PM
Phyllis Pafumi
ReStyled to Sell Home Staging New Jersey - Old Bridge, NJ
ReStyled to Sell Staging Homes NJ

Hey Susan

We miss you...come on back it seems that realtors are finally starting to get this staging thing

Talk with you soon,

Phyllis pafumi

Dec 11, 2006 03:45 PM