Well, the State is lowering the boom on those of us who are not filing our GET taxes! Another realtor was just sentenced for failing to file GET taxes. One of us just pled guilty to six counts of willfullly failing to file her returns for tax years 2000 through 2005. This agent was directed to pay $28,935 plus $12,000 fine and court fees. Best to keep even with the requirements of the state.
Anyone conviceted of this kind of offense can be assessed a fine up to $25,000 per violation, a period of incarceration not to exceed one-year and corporations can be fined up to $100,000 per violation.
While many of us may consider it grossly unfair that we are taxed at all by this regressive tax, we need to be certain that we are on top of filing unless we want to be hauled before a magistrate. Never mind that no other profession has to pay GET on their commissions or salaries! Never mind-never mind! Realtors are perceived by the public and their legislators as being rich and thus, that we need to pay more of our "wages or salaries or commissions" than anyone else. Ahhh, wonderful living in Paradise.