
Getting on the first page of Google

Real Estate Agent with Century 21 iProperties Hawaii RS-54129

I just got a call from (another) telemarketing company today.

He starts off, "This is Daniel from on behalf of  Do you want to be on the first page of Google permanently?"

Of course I do!  Did I tell him that?  No.  I said "I'm not going to pay you for that."  He said, "Okay, thanks" and hung up the phone.  Wow, that was one of the easiest conversations I've had with a telemarketer.

Then I thought, who the heck are these guys telling us they're calling on behalf of  I checked out their website -

Their site says Netbiz is recognized by Google as an Adwords Qualified Company.  So what?  Are they really calling me on behalf of Google?  I really doubt that.  I already pay for Google Adwords.  And I'm certainly not going to start paying big bucks on a pay-per-click campaign for a broad term like "Hawaii real estate".

Watch out for those telemarketers and focus on fundamentals in your real estate business.

Aloha, Mike

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NetBiz sure does seem to target the real estate industry. I periodically get calls and e-mails from my real estate clients after they're contacted by NetBiz. I dislike the NetBiz deceptive approach and apparent disregard of best-practice PPC advertising, so I always recommend that my clients avoid using NetBiz.
Nov 05, 2008 03:31 PM
Angelia Garcia
Pure Realtors - Dallas, TX

It is funny how they ask, don't you want blah blah blah, and I say no.  Then they act like they are offended.  That is when I hang up.  I just received a phone call from some travel agency asking me what vacation package I wanted.  I said I was no longer interested.  She said, why are you no longer interested. Click!

Nov 06, 2008 02:25 PM
Susan Gonzalez Faux painting murals atlanta
Marietta Mural & Decorative Design - Atlanta, GA

Hey Mike, I guess your blog showed up in their web search. Now you are getting blogamarketed!

Dec 22, 2008 01:04 PM
Shane OnullGorman
Eau Claire Realty, Inc. - Eau Claire, WI
Eau Claire Wisconsin, Real Estate Agent & Realtor- Buy or Sell

I say if I want adwords I can pay for that myself. They dont even offer any discounts and there is absolutely no reason to give these companies money.

I say this a lot but tell them this, if they are so great of a company why do they have to cold call? It sounds like they need help getting good placement in the search engines as well. If they didnt they wouldnt have to keep calling people.

Dec 22, 2008 01:40 PM
Hawaii homes
Century 21 iProperties Hawaii - Honolulu, HI

Yeah, what do you think, should I delete the Netbiz comment?  They're getting link juice off of the active rain blog!

Dec 22, 2008 05:48 PM
Susan Gonzalez Faux painting murals atlanta
Marietta Mural & Decorative Design - Atlanta, GA

It looks like a commercial to me. I would delete, but it's up to you. I would at least ask for a fee for leaving it up :)

I think I could live with telemarketers......if I lived in Hawaii!!!;]

Dec 24, 2008 12:39 AM
Keith McMullin
Port Aransas Realty - Port Aransas, TX
Port Aransas Real Estate

That is classic...posting their spin in your blog.  The reason all the companies call us is because they know we all want first page placement.  I always reply thanks, but no thanks.  It requires lots of time and effort.  You can't buy your way to strong organic search results.

Dec 24, 2008 01:03 AM
Hawaii homes
Century 21 iProperties Hawaii - Honolulu, HI

Merry Christmas, I deleted the Netbiz comment!

Dec 25, 2008 11:29 AM
Jason Wheeler - Pleasant Hill, CA

If you know just a few basic steps it is not that hard to get your self pretty high on the search engines.  I figured it out...  It's worth it!

Dec 25, 2008 03:06 PM
William Frebish

My advice: avoid this company and all of its shady pratices altogether. Its a call center and the telemarketers will tell you anything and they will portray themselves as 'experts' on anything to get to your credit card. There is a reason that has such a reputation for sleazy, deceptive practices. They earn it daily!

Cashing in on peoples ignorance and trust is unethical to say the least. Heaven help us from these charlatans.

Feb 02, 2009 03:09 AM