
Elections Almost Over Thank Goodness! And Thank Goodness We Can Vote!

Real Estate Agent with Preview Properties Skagit LLC

This is probably going to be one of the most historical election years in the history of our nation.  I am so tired of seeing all the mud slinging back and forth between parties.  If I have to listen to one more attack on television or the radio I may just scream!  Why can't the candidates just speak their platform and stick with that?

One very positive thing that is coming out of this is that I have never seen so many people involved in the political process and actually being excited to vote!

No matter what happens on tuesday, we all have so much to be thankful for ... the right to vote!  The freedom to choose who we want in office is not to be taken lightly.

We are all having to deal with difficult times in the real estate market and have seen clients having to deal with some very tough situations.  These difficulties didn't just happen over night.  Through it all we are all learning something - seeing areas that we need to be involved in to make sure this doesn't happen again.  We are seeing people from all walks of life having empathy for others in this economy and reaching out if and however they can.

Yes, we are having tough times but... we still live in a GREAT nation and we still have the freedom to vote!  Let others speak  - you speak and then go out and vote!

Don't let the media fool you.  In Washington it is still a great time to buy a home!

Dena Poling
Preview Properties Skagit LLC - Mount Vernon, WA
Local Broker - Working For You With Integrity

If you are voting by mail, make sure to have it postmarked by Tuesday!

Oct 31, 2008 05:52 PM