When it rains, it pours. But in this case, that's hardly an apt analogy; perhaps when it ceases to rain, the resulting drought is both immediate and devastating.
The cluster of servers responsible for the magic that is ActiveRain took a collective nosedive early (early!) this morning, leaving activerain.com and localism.com inaccessible for nearly 18 hours. The fact that it happened on a Sunday without any data loss is a very thin silver lining on this black cloud. The disagreeable servers have since been set straight, and all is right with the world again.
A curious thought came upon me during my stay in the eye of the hurricane: What if ActiveRain had never existed? The incredible team that Jon has assembled would be scattered. I'd still be living in Kansas. Some would be grinding away their days at Microsoft. Others would be selling homes. And what of our vast and vibrant community? Fragmented among smaller sites with no place to come together and share their experience and humor. In the parallel universe where ActiveRain was never born, everyone is the poorer.
Enjoy your stay in the rain — we'll try not to turn off the faucet again.