Hello Fellow Realtors, have we got a new and improved http://www.hartfordgrapevine.com and http://www.newhavengrapevine.com for you.
The new site has many features including a "Click to Print" coupon section. What is a "Click to Print
coupon" you ask? At http://www.hartfordgrapevine.com and http://www.newhavengrapevine.com you can create your very own customized listing
with unlimited photos AND you can insert a "coupon". The coupon can be for anything that you desire! Say
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a charity in your client's name. At closing you give them what you advertised. It's that simple! check it out
now at http://www.hartfordgrapevine.com and http://www.newhavengrapevine.com.
We have a great calendar of events area for you to enter all of your upcoming open house dates, FREE.
We also have a business directory, school and church section, news, recipes, free
music, and so much more. We even have a live chat robot named Kristin! She's fun to talk to and she's
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I am so excited and pleased with the new layout that I invite all of you to
swing by and be the eyes and testers as you surf the http://www.hartfordgrapevine.com and http:www.newhavengrapevine.com.
You could be awarded bonus reward points just for reporting a bug or two.
Also, if you own a business and would like to have a product added to the rewards area for some FREE
advertising just email ads@ctgrapevines.com.
Thanks again for supporting the http://www.hartfordgrapevine.com and http://www.newhavengrapevine.com and have a Grape day!