
Churchill Says It Best!

Real Estate Agent with Realty World Florida

Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Winston Churchill

Tomorrow is Election Day 2008.  We Must get out and vote! Please Southwest Florida & America, we must maintain our hopes and optimism. We must maintain our entreprenurism in not just feelings and manners of optimism but as provided through pro-growth, free market capitalist ideals of smaller government, lower taxes and less spending.

We must preserve our way of life and NOT yield to surrender from the battlefields or our economic and social complexes of free market capitalism. 

We have a brutal enemy out there that is unrelentingly conspiring to bring death and destruction to our interests and our shores. They wish to bring this upon us with the worlds most deadliest weapons of mass destruction.

While our economy has been front and center as of late and with good reason.... We must not forget and get complacent as to the threats from Islamic Fascist terrorists who are being sponsored and conspiring with Iran & Saudi Arabia from Pakistan.

Please remember that without SECURITY we have NO LIBERTY(or economy). 

This is a huge election and could have decades of reverberations and consequences not understood on the surface if we elect the wrong person to be our Commander-in-Chief.

America stand with me and Vote for McCain/Palin in 2008 on November 4th so we can bring Victory & Capital & Economic Growth back to Washington along with the continued entrepreneurial opportunities and spirit that America deserves and was built on instead of suppressing it through socialized policies of failure and trickle up poverty!

Best regards,

Owen Zweiback PA, GRI, Realtor, e-Pro

Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate

23421 Walden Center Drive

Bonita Springs, Florida 34134

239-269-3077 Cell    800-547-3019 Toll Free Office