
The Philadelphia Phillies win the WORLD SERIES !!!!!

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Philadelphia Phillies 2008 World Champions

philadelphia phillies game 5 2008


For those that are sports fans of baseball, many of you would know that the Philadelphia Phillies won the World Series on October 29th, 2008. This is a tad late not only because I was so caught up in the excitement for a few days, went to the parade on Friday in the city of Philadelphia, but that I became sick for a few days because of the parade...

 In any case, this was a long time coming and much needed for the fans of Philadelphia.  The last championship for the city was the 1983 76'ers. The Phillies won the World Series in 1980. So as you can see, it has been 25 years and 28 years respectively. 



philadelphia phillies


Just think if you were from the Boston area for the last 6 years or so. The New England Patriots won the Super Bowl in 2002, 2004, & 2005. The Boston Red Sox won the World Series 2004 & 2007. And the Boston Celtics won the NBA finals last year. Wow... can you say dominance. Well, a small prediction here.. watch out for the Philadelphia teams. 1 more World Series in the next 3 years. A Super Bowl in the next 5 yrs and the same for the Flyers hockey team.




phillies parade



  The parade was October 31st and started at noon in Center city. The parade route was about 4 miles long and was to end inside the Citizens Bank Stadium, where the Phillies play their games.

  We decided to get down to the parade by about 8:45 am. We staked our claim at the corner of Broad Street & Pine Street. This picture was taken around 10 am. And what a gorgeous day that we had, not a cloud in the sky. It got up to about 64 degrees that day.




phillies parade 2






Here I am with some Philly nut that was dressed like the Burger King guy. He had red tights on below. And he also got the crowd fired up from time to time.






guy on stilts





  Guy on stilts.... he was walking in front of the parade with a Phillies banner, getting the crowd fired up also...






Pat 'the Bat' Burrell




Here is a picture of Pat 'the Bat' Burrell, the Phillies left fielder. Pat was drafted in 1998 and started in the 2000 season. He has played for the Phillies for 9 full seasons and it looks like this was his last season because of his commanding salary. He has hit 251 home runs in Philadelphia.

What was really cool was that Pat got booed many times. But he truly has his ups, besides his downs, and got the chance to ride in the beginning of the parade with his wife Michele on the Budweiser wagon.



Philly Phanatic




  The Philadelphia Phanatic is a staple of Philadelphia and sports. One of the most loved and noticed mascots for major sports.

  The Phanatic was created after the 1977 season by Harrison/Erickson of New York City (now known as the Acme Mascots), who had ties with Jim Henson's Muppets. This came from an idea from Dennis Lehman who thought that the Phillies needed a mascot similar to that of the San Diego Padre's Chicken.



World Series Trophy


Here is a picture of the World Series Trophy known as the Commissioner's Trophy which was first introduced in 1967.

I am not sure which ball player was holding up the trophy, but the gentleman pointing his hat at me is Pat Gillick, the General Manager of the Phillies. Mr. Gillick came on board in 2005 and this was his last year. The ironic thing is that Mr. Gillick has guided teams to 3 Championships in his career. Why ironic?  He led the 1993 Toronto Blue Jays to a Championship in which they beat the Philadelphia Phillies.

Mr. Pat Gillick has been replaced by Assistant GM Ruben Amaro Jr. who will take over as the General Manager for the Philadelphia Phillies.


philadelphia phillies after parade




  There were some pictures of the Phillies's players on the floats, but I didn't want to put everyone to sleep. But here is what it looked like after the parade had passed us and the crowd dispersed into the streets. It was estimated close to 2 million people showed up for the parade. What a feeling to be a part of this, something that I will never forget.








Go 2008 - 2009 Phillies





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Bill Gassett
RE/MAX Executive Realty - Hopkinton, MA
Metrowest Massachusetts Real Estate

Congrats to you and the Phillies. I know as a huge sports fan what a great run we have been on up here in Boston. It really is a once in a lifetime thing when ever team is on a major role at the same time.

Nov 03, 2008 10:40 PM
Missy Caulk
Missy Caulk TEAM - Ann Arbor, MI
Savvy Realtor - Ann Arbor Real Estate

Jeff, congratulations to you.

Nov 03, 2008 11:05 PM
Beth Forbes
The mortgage help you want when you need it. - Center Valley, PA
Your 24/7 loan officer

World Champions! World eefing Champions!  Thank you so much for sharing the pictures! Wish I could have been there.

Nov 04, 2008 12:09 AM
Larry Bettag
Cherry Creek Mortgage Illinois Residential Mortgage License LMB #0005759 Cherry Creek Mortgage NMLS #: 3001 - Saint Charles, IL
Vice-President of National Production

Must have been awesome.  Wish I had the same celebration.  But as always....with the Cubs, there's always next year.  This was painful bro....way tooooooooooooo painful.


Nov 04, 2008 12:51 AM
Michael Delp
Mortgage Pro - Telford, PA

Our fightin' Phillies finally did it! What a run! Thanks for the pictures. I heard the parade was just nuts! I am sorry I missed it.

Nov 04, 2008 12:52 AM
Everard Korthals
---Preferred Lifestyle Advisors--- - Lancaster, PA
Mountain Realty


I really wanted to go to this event as was only an hour 1/2 away but i figured when including traffic, parking and walking time, getting there would be more of a hassle than just watching it on TV. Thanks for highlighting this great event once again in your blog post. Great pictures!!

I will say, that after watching it on TV and seeing the sheer size of the crowds, that this may very wel have been one of the biggest parades for a baseball team after winning the world series in history. Philadelphia didn't just shower their phillies, they engulfed them in love, confetti and Adoration.


Nov 04, 2008 12:52 AM
Scott Geary
Infinity Home Mortgage Company Inc - Allentown, PA
Your Pennsylvania Mortgage Source

Nicely done my friend! I was waiting with baited breath for this post. Wasn't able to attend the parade so the pictures were fantastic. The down side to this championship is that Eagle games are not so exciting now. But, with the Giants coming up Sunday, that will change real fast. Go PHILS! Let's do it again, and again and again!!!

Nov 04, 2008 01:25 AM
John Cannata
214-728-0449 - Frisco, TX
Texas Home Mortgage - Purchase or Refinance

I am not a baseball fan, but this looks like a lot of fun.  It's always exciting if your team wins the BIG DANCE.  I'm still looking for the Cowboys to be invited to the dance...

Nov 04, 2008 01:32 AM
Jason Crouch
Austin Texas Homes, LLC - Austin, TX
Broker - Austin Texas Real Estate (512-796-7653)

Jeff - I didn't realize it had been that long since Philly had any championship.  Congrats!  I whine about the Cowboys not winning a playoff game in 12 years, but you guys really deserved this.  As for baseball, I don't really follow it, because the Rangers have never won a pennant, so it's hard to get overly excited about them.  They tend to trade away their best players. 

Nov 04, 2008 01:50 AM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans


VICKIE..... . true Phillies, Eagles, and Flyers....  thanks

CHUCK..... . it was an awesome time of year to watch. And I think last year helped some also, being swepted by Colorado...

ANTHONY..... . sorry to hear. Should I thank you for this year and possibly thank you in advance for next year?  ;o)   Serioulsy, thanks...

JENNIFER..... .  ha ha ha... you funny lady. You very funny...  lol  Hey, it just proves that there is more than just one nut on the east coast.

CYNTHIA...... .  thanks for sharing that. Those seem to be some fond memories. I do remember you talking about your grandfather at one point and did a post on him. Again, thanks for sharing that.

BRIAN...... . I have to tell you, it was one of the best days in my life. That might sound weird... but it also has to do with the fact that we moved in the summer of 1980 and the Phillies won the World Series then... and the Sixers won the NBA championship in 1983. So I missed out on two parades. In regards to DC.... well, the Skins started off good, but I have been saying this from day one, I don't feel like they are a Super Bowl team.  In regards to the other sports?  Yes, could be a while...

BILL..... . a run?  LOL   Bill, everytime I turned around in the last 6 years, Boston was having a parade. Hey, you guys might have another chance with basketball again also. And just a small hint... the Red Sox are my second favorite team. A Phillies / Red Sox World Series would have been the ultimate for me.

MISSY...... . thanks .... I am sure it's been tough this year being a Michigan fan. Maybe I should say, "that's what you get for stealing our coach?"


Nov 04, 2008 02:47 AM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans


BETH...... .  I know, it's so hard to believe. I tapped the parade and some of the news for Friday night and watched it Saturday.  I still can't believe it and at times, I was just in tears. What an awesome feeling.. thanks

LARRY...... . it was awesome dude... and I do feel for you. I have an aunt that lives in Chicago and I hear it from her every year. She was happy for me this time, but I am sure it was still eating her within. A Phillies/Cubs League Championship series would have been very cool also.

MICHAEL....... . it is a shame that you missed it... but I truly feel that we have a chance to take another World Series in the next 3 years. We have a core of semi young players... Howard, Utley, Rollins, Hammels, and Myers.

NATHAN & EVERARD...... .   hhhhmmmm .. only a half hour away? You should have made the effort... it was worth it...  especially if you went early. We took the speedline in from NJ and beat the crowds. Got there right before 9 am. I heard that the crowds were long around 10 am.....  hence why we went early. The early bird gets the worm.  ;o)  And yes, I watched it on tv later on, from taping it... it was so cool to see the large crwods.

SCOTT...... . I was just to tired to do one when the Phillies actually won. And then Friday being a very long day... like, getting home around 1 am.. lol  And being tired and sick Saturday and Sunday, hence the delay... Well, it's time to get back to work..  ;o)  And yes, let's do it again and again.. and thanks for the polite compliment.

JOHN...... . it's definitely exciting when your team makes it to the big dance. But I think the big dance is a phrase only used for March Madness, when going to that tournament.. ;o)  But yes, it's an awesome feeling.  And I am sure there were several people that weren't true baseball fans here locally until the Phillies made it into the playoffs. Sure, we call them band wagon jumpers... but hey, I know who I am. ;o) thanks

JASON...... . yes, very long... I was wondering if it would ever happen in my lifetime.  Hey, at least you had the Cowboys winning a few in your time...  but 12 years without a playoff win?  I didn't know it was that long. The question is, will it be even longer after this year?  ;o)  Sorry, but go Eagles...  and have fun with whinning T.O.   Overall, thanks


Nov 04, 2008 03:10 AM
John Cannata
214-728-0449 - Frisco, TX
Texas Home Mortgage - Purchase or Refinance

Jeff - I call them all the big dance, but you are probably right that it started with march madness.  I didnt watch college games much before moving to Texas.  Seems like everyone is into college out here.  I think there are always 'band wagon' fans after a big game.  Some how they all come out of the wood work.

Nov 04, 2008 08:39 AM
Karl Peidl
Moorestown, NJ
Accredited Loan Consultant

Jeff - I've been splitting Phillies season tickets with some friends for 6 years (the last 5 in the new ballpark are in leftfield, 2 rows behind Pat Burrell).  I was at Game 5, Part 1 on Monday.  I went back for Game 5, Part 2 on Wednesday night.  Then I returned Friday and was able to attend the post-parade ceremony at Citizens Bank Park.  It was an absolutely amazing week that only Philly sports fans can truly understand for all we have been through.  Thanks for sharing your pics.  I hope we can do it all over again next year - minus the very wet suspended game.

Nov 04, 2008 09:06 AM
Connie Harvey
Pilkerton Realtors - Brentwood, TN
Realtor - Nashville TN Real Estate

Jeff, congratulations! There are few things more fun than when your home team wins! I was living in Italy many years ago when Italy won the World Soccor Cup. They actually painted the white cross walks as the Italian flag! :)

Nov 05, 2008 04:36 AM
Susan Mangigian
RE/MAX Preferred - West Chester, PA
Chester & Delaware County Homes, Delaware and Ches

Jeff, I didn't get to the parade, but your pictures made me feel like I was there!  Great coverage.  I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself.  The Philly nut looked familiar.  Anyone we know?

Nov 05, 2008 05:41 AM
Susan Mangigian
RE/MAX Preferred - West Chester, PA
Chester & Delaware County Homes, Delaware and Ches

Jeff, I didn't get to the parade, but your pictures made me feel like I was there!  Great coverage.  I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself.  The Philly nut looked familiar.  Anyone we know?

Nov 05, 2008 05:41 AM
Marty Woomer
Windermere Real Estate/WSI - Silverdale, WA

Great parade pics. Thanks!

Nov 05, 2008 11:26 AM
Vickie McCartney
Maverick Realty - Owensboro, KY
Broker, Real Estate Agent Owensboro KY

Jeff~ This makes me homesick  :(  Oh! Well!  I am excited for the Phillies.  The Phiilies Phanatic is always a hoot and keeps everyone laughing and is a lot of fun! I will always be a Phillies fan as well as an Eagles  and flyers fan, no matter where I live!

Nov 08, 2008 05:44 AM
Jeremy Blanton
Myrtle Beach Homes Blog - Myrtle Beach, SC
Myrtle Beach REALTOR®-

Those my friend are some excellent pics!  Makes me wish I still lived in PA so I couldve been there...then I look at the weather and see 70 & sunny and remember why I headed south!

Nov 08, 2008 04:39 PM
Jeff Belonger
Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc - Cherry Hill, NJ
The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans


JOHN.... . sure, I could see anyone calling them the big dance... but how about the big party?  You have the cocktail party which is Florida vs Georgia in college football. And you have the big dance which are the college basketball teams going to play in the NCAA basketball tournament in March.  And yes, there will always be bandwagon fans.... I don't really care though...

KARL.... . we should get together next year. I usually get like a 4 game pack or a 12 game pack. This coming year, I am going to get a 17 game pack down first baseline... hopefully section 108...  I'll let you know. But I would bet that we have a good shot at another one at least once in the next 3 years.. maybe 2 in the next 5 years, just like Boston.  We have the team. Just lacking one good pitcher and someone to replace Burrell. Do I hear Holliday from Colorado?  That would be awesome.

CONNIE..... .  yes, it is great when your home team wins.... that must have been insane, being there when Italy won the World Cup... wow...  that would be like watching the first astronauts going to the moon... at least in my opinion.

SUSAN..... . you should have made the trip. I know of someone in Allentown now regreting it....  but they said, if it happens again, they will come down no matter what. It's worth it no matter what.  thanks

MARTY..... .  my pleasure... thanks

VICKIE..... . yes, the Phillies Phanatic is always a hoot. Every game I go to, I am always looking for him.  And same here, I will always be a Phillies and Eagles fan no matter where I live. Not sure if I ever told you, but I lived in Louisville, Ky from 1980 to 1985. We moved that summer of '80 and missed the Phillies winning it then.

JEREMY..... .  thanks.. I enjoyed it... it was a great year. It was cold in some cases, but well worth it...  Go Phillies in '09.


Nov 09, 2008 04:20 AM