We all know that after you do the basics of building a quality site and implementing a good SEO strategy, the next things needed are quality links.
I don't know what made me think of this but I find my online marketing strategy to be a lot like pinball. Here is my description:
1) The steel ball is a blog post, article or press release.
2) The spring loaded launcher is used to to launch the ball. These are the actual blogs, article directories, and press organizations promoting your news to online publishers: including digg, delicious and etc.
3) You score points by keeping the ball bouncing around.
Everytime you get credit for an additional link in Google, these are points. The more of the link references you have the more your ball will bounce around between the bumpers.
The more content you publish and the more references you create the higher your placement in the search engine. I am still kind of new at this social media stuff. I have learned that I need to create daily posts and news for Huntsville Alabama real estate to maintain enhance lmy position.
If you never launch the ball you will never gain search engine position.