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Bluemont, VA - Real Estate Statistics for October, 2008

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty WVS190300742/0225093653


Listed below are statistics for the month of October, year to date 2008 and a comparison for 2007 sales in Bluemont, VA for raw land.  The statistics below include only raw land located within Loudoun County and do not include raw land figures for Bluemont in Clarke County.

October Land Statistics for Bluemont, VA:

Active Listings - 12

Under Contract - 3

Sold - 0

The 3 listings under contract  are all under 15 acres. 


October Land Statistics for Bluemont, VA - 0-15 acres

Avg. List Price - $315,143

Low List Price - $189,000

High List Price - $500,000

Average Days on Market - 187 days

October Land Statistics for Bluemont, VA - 20-40 Acres

Average List Price - $618,588

Low List Price - $245,000

High List Price - $837,120

Average Days on Market - 896 days

The list below is supposed to give statistics for raw land in Bluemont, VA from  Jan-Oct 31st 2008 and compare it to the same timeframe for 2007.  Unfortunately, there have been no land sales that have settled in 2008 so you will only see data for 2007 below.


Jan. - Oct. 31st Raw Land Statistics in Bluemont, VA - 0-15 acres

Average List Price - $198,750

Low List Price - $165,000

High List Price - $290,000

Average Sales Price - $171,250

Low Sales Price - $135,000

High Sales Price - $250,000

One property sold in Bluemont, VA with 171.5 Acres of raw land in March, 2007.  Its original price was $2,225,000 and it sold for $1,715,000.

Looking at the data above, 2008 may end up slightly below 2007 sales depending on the number of sales which close in the remainder of 2008.  Check back for updates to see how the year ends.

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