in slow times.I am taking this opportunity to do the things I did not have time for in better times.I am training 3 times a week on weights in the gym and swimming laps 4 days a week.I am frantically trying to get myself at top speed for the 50 and 100 metres freestyle race, in the Canadian Provincial and National Masters swimming championships next spring. I haven't done competative swimming in 40 years, so it's a real challenge.Who knows, I might meet somebody who wants to buy a house!!One thing I would say is that I haven't felt this great since my distant youth.At 6' 3" I was about 205 lbs and dropped to a good racing weight of 190lbs.I was always an athlete, so I was never heavy for my height.So, there you are, I'm ready to take on the toughest times that they can hurl at me. What are some other interesting things going on with you guys out there, considering this recession seem to have legs yet?
Well in these slower times I am studying and reorganizing my web sites in order to understand them better and ultimately make them work more to my advantage. I am learning more about blogging and posting. I am reading more and spending more time thinking and discussing what I can do to grow my business.
I am doing a lot of stuff online. I also have been working out quite a bit. I am trying to do this regardless. I am actually still really busy with everything. I also am taking time to spend with my wife.
David who said it was slow? I personally don't believe in down markets just different ones. As any market shifts and changes we must adapt with it. I just put the sign out for one listing. I have another listing appointment for Wednesday (I already have it), I am meeting with buyers tomorrow that are ready to buy not shoppers, I have another buyer I am taking out Monday morning (she is prequalified and ready to sign), I have another listing going under contract in a week when the out of town buyers get to town, I mean we need to focus on where the business is not where it was. Hmmm I feel a blog coming on.
Things haven't slowed down for me either, probably because I'm out stalking buyers and sellers.