...my previous blog was not meant to be negative, those that know me, know that I am positively positive to the nth degree. There definitely is a slow down, here in Toronto.Prices have dropped by 11% in the city and sales are down 35% over last year in October. We are not in a recession and were the only G8 member to grow this year, this month alone we created 240,000 new jobs.Thanks to an iron clad, fairly conservative banking system, with no sub-prime mortgage risks...So please believe me , the time that I have spent prospecting etc, will pay off soon.It's just that when one is not as busy as usual, that you have time to yourself and yours.Anyway,I guess what I'm trying to say to my good neighbours to the south(as they say in hockey a lot),keep your head up and best of luck from Canada, your best friend in a world of hostile threats.We will of course stand by you as usual.David ......
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Total Care Realty - Greensboro, NC
Beneath it all is the Land, Covering all of NC
David, Thank you sorry if I answered the first blog in a aggressive way. Although I am busy. As you well know how regional our business can be here in Greensboro, NC we have not been hit like many other areas.
Nov 07, 2008 02:49 PM
Torontolocalrealestate.com - Mississauga, ON
Oh ,I wasn't refererring to you ,but realised it could sound a little desperate to someone, and thought I had better comment in anticipation of any mistaken interpretations.Thanks Larry ,nice of you to respnod and keep up the good work and continue the battle.Regards. David Hemmings
Nov 08, 2008 04:20 AM