Hello everyone and welcome to my first post in my first blog in my first social-networking encounter!
Let's just make it easy and start by introducing myself and paste in my profile. Enjoy - or not :)
I am currently the owner of Quinte Technical Services, a computer service, training, support and consulting firm in Belleville, Ontario.
My background, including over 31 years in technology design, leadership and consulting has enabled me to take on many new and interesting projects and challenges. Tech industry downturn (restructuring I was told - there are a lot of nice and not-so-nice terms for it!) led me moving to Belleville about 4 years ago to what I thought might be semi-retirement. Wrong!
Starting my own business was the most intelligent and mind-freeing decision I have ever made. OK, so it takes a few years to get into the black but it is growing steadily yet still giving me time to plan ahead for new business opportunities.
This bring us to virtual tours. I have been experimenting quite a bit with panoramic photography over the last five years, and have gone so far as to have a custom pano-bracket machined for me and lashed together an indexer. Taking the photos was the easy part. Adjusting lens correction parameters for proper stitching and struggling with various pieces of free software to put together a web presentation almost made me give up - several times. I actually published a virtual tour for a real-estate agent who was a customer of mine, but there was definitely no money to be made there considering all the time I spent.
All that is about to change since signing up as a full-service dealer with RealTourVision. I did a lot of research before even contacting them, so I was extremely confident in their product, support, market position and technology. Jason LaVanture, Vice President of RealTourVision and partner in BlueLaVaMedia responded in early March with enthusiasm. Remember what I mentioned about not being in the black yet? The RealTourVision technology & partnering choice was a no-brainer, the investment decision was difficult so I had to take the time (8 months ;-) to figure out it was the only choice. I have thank Jason for being persistant.
What is the current status? Well I am waiting for my package from RealTourVision to arrive in the mail, absorbing thousands of pages of documentation and marketing material, and planning my virtual tour website. I'll keep you posted on the blog in the upcoming weeks.