in Orlando Florida. Tomorrow is the last of her 35 radiation treatments for breast cancer. I speak with her every day (long distance...for almost 4 years now since I moved away) even if we speak for only 5 minutes. I can't believe she has been such a trooper through all this. She has kept the best of spirit in her mind and her actions. I'm certain her faith in God has pulled her through this also. The nurses and the patients that are regulars at her treatment time actually look forward to and enjoy seeing her every day and are very sad to see her completing her treatments. Of course... they are happy for her,... but sad for themselves. They will miss her visits. (She's kinda like the "life of the party" figuratively speaking). She is always making them smile in spite of such a serious time. She makes the best of a bad situation. She is actually planning a little "Graduation skit". Although she tells me a couple of these "regulars" are very progressed with their illness and they don't hold much hope for themselves, she won't let them pull her down, and they simply don't talk negative while they are there together. She brightens everyone's day and in some way, I believe... she is an "Angel". She has always had a kind word and has carried a positive attitude about being being cured. My hat's off to her... I don't know that I could have been so strong.
Your Best Friend,
Nance Burdette
Spartanburg, South Carolina