Thanks again to Lola Audu and Ethan Dozeman for opening my eyes to the world of blogging. I visit several chat forums sites for my personal life, mostly fishing, and I have a Myspace page, but I never realized the power of blogging until I attented Lola's seminar last week. I truly believe that this is the future of Real Estate. Funny, thing as I started typing this, the phone rang and it was our local newspaper asking if I have had a chance to review their contract and I almost started laughing. See, I am the new business manager at Avalar Grand Rapids Real Estate, and I am now in charge of recruiting, and training agents for our company. In addition, I am also charged with setting up our marketing campaigns.
I can count on one hand the number of results the Sunday paper produced for me from advertising in the past three years. What a waste of money! Now as the manager of this office, I met with the paper to discuss rates and what they could do to increase our business. I had some innovative ideas that would drive traffic to our company website, but it just couldn't be done. Or so they said. They were quick to mention their 5% rate increase this year though.
Anyway, not to get too preachy on my first visit to this, but I am so excited by the opportunities that could arise from this I am going to be challenging each one of my agents to start blogging on this site and others in order to make Avalar Grand Rapids the premier technologically advanced company in Grand Rapids and throughout West Michigan. Thanks again, Lola and Ethan.