Showed up to the office this morning to a buzz in the hallway. Apparently on the front page of the Macon Telegraph was an article stating that Warner Robins was selected as Georgia's "Best Place to Raise Your Kids" by Busines Week
The article that was published on Monday put Warner Robins first and Marietta and Athens as Runner-ups.
They selected cities on such factors as school performance, number of schools, crime rate, job growth and family income.
Below is a portion of the article from the Telegraph.
Acting Mayor Clifford Holmes said the survey looked at many factors that he considers important.
As a retired educator, he said the school system is second to none and has worked hard at attracting the best teachers. Holmes credits the schools, along with Robins Air Force Base, for creating a city where many can make a decent living.
Ed Rodriguez, executive director of the Warner Robins Area Chamber of Commerce, echoed that sentiment. Business Week is a widely respected publication around the world, he said.
"A lot of people are going to hear about it and pay attention to it," he said. "Hopefully, it will attract people to the area."
Rodriguez said such movement could provide a much-needed boon to the real estate industry.
Holmes suggested that while the city is a great place to live and raise a family, more needs to be done. While serving as the city's chief executive, he has seen room for improvement in the areas of parks and theaters, he said, but overall, he is pleased with the city's ranking.
"It really is a credit to the citizens of Warner Robins," Holmes said.
I would just like to state that when John and I moved here 13 years ago, I really had to wonder where he was moving me. But as the years have passed and our children have grown, I have come to believe that there is no better place to raise a child.
So many things make Georgia a wonderful state to live in, things like the HOPE scholarship, Schools of Excellence (yes I know on the national ranking, but please check out Houston County against the total state) Large Military presence with bases like Moody, and Robins, Fort Stewart and Fort Gordon.
We love Warner Robins and we are so happy that the rest of America can know how wonderful we are.
On any given Friday night in the fall you will find one of the 4 local High Schools playing Football at McConnell Talbert Field and the stadium will be packed, the locals show up for baseball too. Last year our American Little League won the World Championship against Japan and the compassion they showed was awe inspiring. We have generational support for our school sports and I think that makes so much difference.
Neighbors know neighbors and that always keeps kids on edge. You never know who your parents will run into at the bank, or the grocery store and those neighbors may just mention that they saw your child driving down Russell parkway at 1:00 on a Friday afternoon. (Ask my son Jonathan about that one. He was busted skipping school by a friend who was a nurse on her lunch break when he turned in front of her.) In Warner Robins they take the saying "It takes a village to raise a child" seriously.
So to end this post yes now America can know that Warner Robins really is a pretty great place to raise a family. For once I agree with the media!