
U-Text Keeps Commuters Informed of Urgent Route Changes

Real Estate Agent with Cobalt Realty Group

This week, City of Santa Clarita Transit makes it easier for commuters to stay informed of unforeseen changes to their specific route through U-Text.

U-text is a text messaging service that allows commuters to subscribe and receive mobile phone text alerts when there are urgent changes to a commuter route.

â€Å"A lot can happen in the time it takes our commuter users to get from the office to their bus stop such as large detours, significant road closures, and major traffic delays. Now through U-text, the City of Santa Clarita Transit can keep our customers informed of unexpected, last-minute commuter route changes at all times, commented Mayor Bob Kellar.

To subscribe to U-text, simply send a keyword text message to 41411, select the commuter route you want, and begin receiving urgent commuter text updates from City Transit. Keyword options include: sctransit747, sctransit 791, sctransit 792, sctransit793, sctransit794, sctransit795, sctransit796, sctransit797, sctransit798, and sctransit799.

U-text is only for emergency route notifications and will not replace emailed Rider Alerts and Transit e-Notify subscriptions. U-text subscribers will only receive text alerts regarding their chosen commuter route. Standard text messaging rates apply. Please check with your service provider for applicable charges.

For more information regarding U-text, please contact Alisha Celestine, City Communications Specialist, at (661) 25-4307 or
