
Nailing the Appointment by Phone

Home Stager with 1st Choice HomeStaging
We started our staging company in November and lucked into a wonderful Client who we have staged several vacant homes with quite successfully. We have begun marketing ourselves with flyers and brochures but fumble badly when we get responses. We give a wonderful presentation about service and pricing and they are all excited, but that's where it ends, and of course with giving so much information they probably call the next stager and we lose them on the technicality of being too informative. How can we give information but also get the appointment? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
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Kimberly Thamm

I have this SAME PROBLEM!!  My husband keeps telling me "keep your mouth shut!"  But it's difficult - when I meet potential clients, I get so excited about what can be done with their staging or remodel project, I give all my ideas away... leaving them thinking "what do I need to pay her for? she just told us what to do!!"

My question is: "How do I let the client know I am experienced, knowledgeable, and talented without discussing my ideas and suggestions during the initial consultation?!

Jan 03, 2008 02:49 PM
Cindy Bryant
Redesign Etc. Home Staging - Houston, TX
"Houston Home Staging Pros"
Trust me you will learn not to give the farm away.  Just keep practicing and you'll see with time, it will come natural without even thinking about it.
Jan 03, 2008 05:51 PM
Maureen Bray Portland OR Home Stager ~ Room Solutions Staging
Room Solutions Staging, Portland OR - Portland, OR
"Staging Consultations that Sell Portland Homes"
I agree with Cindy, you'll soon learn to be less explicit with your staging ideas when presenting to clients. I make it a policy to give them ONE specific idea only.  The best way to show them your talent is to have a good portfolio of YOUR previous work including Before & After photos and testimonials from prior clients.  If you need more examples of your work in order to GET more work, then stage a room or rooms for your friends, neighbors, or family members.  Soon you'll have a body of work that you can proudly show to prospective clients.  Most of us learned this the hard way but quickly realized we couldn't let clients know the specifics of how we'd stage their property.  Good luck!
Jan 03, 2008 08:11 PM
Michele Hess
Simply Staged Inc. - Rockford, IL
Home Stager Rockford - Simply Staged Inc

You are right!  If you give them all your ideas at the consultation they won't need your help.  Or at least think they don't need your help.  Often implementation of your ideas will not be carried off correctly without oversite. 

I agree with Maureen.  Before and after photos and testimonials will sell your work.  And as Maureen suggested offering one idea would be helpful.  Good Luck!

Jan 03, 2008 09:23 PM
Bevin Googer
First Impressions Home Staging and Interior Redesign - Mount Pleasant, SC
Like Maureen, I try to be a little vague on the exact details, but giving one idea shows you are serious and knowledgeable. And, show as many examples of your work as you can!
Jan 04, 2008 09:16 AM
Kimberly Thamm
That's a great idea - I can just remind myself to stop after giving "one free tip!"  If someone had a counter on me during these consults, it'd be out of sight!! 
Jan 04, 2008 09:19 AM