
The world is slower than my brain.

Real Estate Agent with Re/Max Jazz Inc., Brokerage
Unfortunately I will have to delay my launch of Sold On A Cure until later in the week. The reason for the delay is a good one though. I have been speaking with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and Re/Max head office about this campaign and they both seem excited to assist me in reaching my goals. In order to maximize my chances of success I must be prudent and patient. My official press release will carry much more weight if it includes a quote from the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and is distributed through the team at Re/Max. I am grateful for their kind words, encouragement and support. We will get this off the ground soon enough. As a side note, France has now joined my Sold On A Cure facebook group. It is now almost on every continent so if you know anyone in Africa, Australia or (fingers crossed) Antarctica, please encourage them to join my group.