
THE ART OF REDESIGN - BEFORE & AFTER - Give the gift of a room makeover!

Home Stager with CRE-A-TIVE Staging & Redesign - Durham Region

Redesign is a service provided by many home stagers.  It is incredible how affordable it is to hire a professional stager/redesigner to come in and completely transform a space on a budget.  Many people want "the look" but can't afford an interior decorator.

Below is a recent CRE-A-TIVE Staging & Redesign transformation.  This room was a true redesign using the homeowners things with the exception of a few key purchases.

Fresh coat of paint:   $33.00

Stunning Crystal Chandelier:  $89.00

Beautiful Glistening Wreath:   $19.99

White Mat:  $6.99

Luxurious White Throw:  $21.99

Transformation:  PRICELESS 

How to pull it all together:  One call to CRE-A-TIVE STAGING & REDESIGN.

Before... Tired, drab, unwelcoming.


The CRE-A-TIVE Difference... White on White.  Luxurious, warm and inviting!



Marina Vazzana is the Owner and Lead Consultant of CRE-A-TIVE Staging & Redesign.  Serving Oshawa, Courtice, Whitby, Pickering, Ajax, Bowmanville, Durham Region and G.T.A.


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Marina Vazzana is owner of CRE-A-TIVE Staging & Redesign.  CSP - RESA

Specializing in Home Staging Consultations.

Serving Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and all of Durham Region.

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Michele Hess
Simply Staged Inc. - Rockford, IL
Home Stager Rockford - Simply Staged Inc

Beautiful transformation Marina!  Room/home makeovers sure make great gifts.

Nov 16, 2008 08:14 AM
Michelle Finnamore
Toronto GTA, Alliston, Newmarket - Vaughan, ON
Preparing your property for sale

Marina, you are a star! :)

This is a beautiful room, one to be featured.

Nov 16, 2008 09:41 AM
Kathy Passarette
Creative Home Expressions - Mount Sinai, NY
L.I. Staging/Decorating

Marina ~ Very pretty and glamorous!  I love the chandelier.

Nov 16, 2008 10:57 AM
Marina Vazzana
CRE-A-TIVE Staging & Redesign - Durham Region - Oshawa, ON
CSP, Home Staging Oshawa and Durham Region

Michelle H.:  Thank you, and I couldn't agree with you's the perfect gift for those hard to buy for friends and family.

Michelle F:  Thanks Michelle, I love your work.

Kathy:  I really loved the chandelier too.  I can remember long ago when we would take them down thinking they were they are just too irresistable and a must have for that special touch.


Nov 16, 2008 12:32 PM
Cindy Bryant
Redesign Etc. Home Staging - Houston, TX
"Houston Home Staging Pros"

Looks like a very wintery room at a B&B cottage!

Nov 16, 2008 03:45 PM
Kimberley Hawley
Hawley Interiors & Staging - Caledon, ON
Hawley Interiors & Staging

Wow, great job. I've used that chandelier in a few homes, fabulous value. Very nice...Kim

Nov 16, 2008 10:41 PM
Kathy Nielsen - Marietta, GA
Atlanta Georgia Home Stager

Marina - Wow!  What an incredible transformation.  And I'm with Cindy - it looks like a room at a cottage. Very nicely done.

Congratulations.  Your post is being featured in the group; Staging Before & After Pictures.


Nov 16, 2008 11:24 PM
Charlene Storozuk
Dezigner Digz - Burlington, ON
Home Stager - Burlington Ontario

Marina, that's gorgeous!  I love white-on-white with various textures.  I'm going to have to check out those chandeliers.  Thanks for sharing!

Nov 17, 2008 01:21 AM
Marina Vazzana
CRE-A-TIVE Staging & Redesign - Durham Region - Oshawa, ON
CSP, Home Staging Oshawa and Durham Region

Cindy, Kimberley:  Thanks, it's suprising how warm and cozy white can feel.

Kathy: Thank you for the wonderful compliment and for the feature.

Charlene:  Thank you!  It's amazing how white on white can have so much life and movement if you layer tons of textures.  The texture is what makes it come alive and feel warm.

Nov 17, 2008 02:59 AM
Kathy Riggle
Houston Home Staging

Really lightened and updated this room-love the chandelier!

Nov 17, 2008 09:19 AM
Robyn Guinn
StageAZ - Phoenix, AZ
Home staging, Arizona

Awesome job Marina! It looks wonderful. Love it, love it, love it!

Nov 17, 2008 09:51 AM
Marina Vazzana
CRE-A-TIVE Staging & Redesign - Durham Region - Oshawa, ON
CSP, Home Staging Oshawa and Durham Region

Kathy:  Yes the chandelier was a great addition and a great price.

Robyn: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Nov 18, 2008 12:53 AM
Susan Cunningham
NE Atlanta Home Staging - Suwanee, GA
R.E.VISION - Suwanee, GA

Now who wouldn't go for the "after"???  What a wonderful transformation and statement!

I also love your web site!  Very, very tasteful and creative!  It's evident you have great design talent.


Nov 18, 2008 04:04 AM
Marina Vazzana
CRE-A-TIVE Staging & Redesign - Durham Region - Oshawa, ON
CSP, Home Staging Oshawa and Durham Region

Susan: Wow, I don't know what to say...such nice words Thank You!

Nov 18, 2008 10:58 AM